July Goals Check In



  • kenyalamar
    Calories down 2000.
    Weight down 200 lbs. overall
    Currently down 16lbs.
  • arlenejoneswilson
    arlenejoneswilson Posts: 49 Member
    i have met my first goal--hurray!

    However, my knees are in pain from the running-- I think I will have to amend the C25K to make it Couch to Power walking a 5 K.

    As for number three, I am going to try to make up for the lack of outside time riding by adding a few extra rides this week.

    Wish me luck!
  • AndraSay65
    AndraSay65 Posts: 23 Member
    The C25K training is going well. Today began the 1st week of more jogging. Since my lower discs are ruptured, running is no longer part of my workouts. However, jogging is and so is the elliptical machine. I workout on strength training three days a week, these are the same three days of when I do C25K. Try strength training first and then C25K after the training session. It builds some endurance. Then add going back to the gym in the evening for another hour of cardio (treadmill & elliptical) three days of the week.

    Sometimes it seems like a lot but I do enjoy the challenge and it definitely works off the stress and leads to good night sleeps. Hope others are meeting some of their goals and enjoying them along the way. Here is to a healthy week Ladies!