I'm kind of, sort of a newbie...

Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
A long, long time ago...my story began

“Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl. Oh my, and what a big girl she is. Wow, will you look at this -- nine pounds, one ounce – 17 ½ inches long.”

While I admit I don’t actually remember getting on that scale for the very first time in my life, I can only imagine that even then it was not a pleasant experience. Think about it, I was not at my most photogenic best. I had just literally squished myself all out of shape just to get the heck out of very cramped quarters and the first words I hear are what a big girl I am. I wasn’t even a minute old and I already had a weight problem! And thus, my life of weighing more than I should and therefore, dieting began.

Here I am 61 years later and I still haven't mastered this weighing what I should and dieting thing yet. I'm pretty sure I've tried just about every diet known to humans, and, yes, I CAN lose weight but it's keeping it off that's the kicker. In fact, I just lost 15 pounds after having surgery. I want to keep going in this direction, so here I am (again). I started on My Fitness Pal a couple of years ago, but I never really became part of a community. Now, not only do I KNOW I need people, but I want to be there for you, as well.


  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Hi Lynda, Welcome to the group. i am sure you will find this group, engaging and very supportive. The group is great for motivation in the hills and valleys of a long journey. Welcome!!

    - JB
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Welcome to the group, you can do this, feel free to add me but please read my profile first:smile: and send me a message

    you can do this even after all those years
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    HI Lyndal816,

    I loved your story.LOL I thought you were the momma, then boom! it was about you. This can be a struggle at times, but if we keep at it and pick up each day and start new, we can do it. If you slip one day, chalk it up to learning and be glad we have a clean slate the next day and do better.

    Good luck in your journey. Stay with us this time.We have a Wednesday weekly check in also you might want to check out.
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to welcome me. I look forward to better health and becoming part of the community.

  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    Welcome Lynda.
    Glad to have you here. I am just back today after a bad bout with pneumonia. Finished the prednisone yesterday so now need to get back under control. Fortunately my weigh in I had only gained 3/4 lbs. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish. Again welcome you will find everyone is very supportive.
  • _Anne_
    _Anne_ Posts: 4
    Hi Lynda. Welcome back. Good luck on your journey to good health. I too have recently returned after some time away after chemotherapy and am still getting back into the swing of it.

    Just keep chanting, we can do this....we CAN do this. :)
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Lynda. It's nice to meet you. You have a way with words, I like that! I'm one of the quiet ones, but I enjoy hearing everyone's story and I'm here if you need support. You'll enjoy this group and, since we're all in this together, we can do it!

  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Hi. I just joined about a week ago and if not for a mention on Facebook from a fitbit group entry about there being a community with MFP, I never would have found this group. I had no idea how to even add friends! Computers and i do not normally get a long. Don't laugh, but they hate me. I once got stuck in a computer for 4 hours at work before the IT department could figure out how to get me out.
    I only have 5 more pounds to lose but it just wasn't coming off, so decided to try this. Can someone tell me how you get your weight loss picture or goal to appear with your comments?
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,143 Member
    Hi Lynda, welcome :flowerforyou: you have found a very supportive group who are also quite fun! We all struggle with our weight and we all have our ups and downs - downs are good thing! Good luck and looking forward to getting to know you better. Cheers, Marian