
Mommyoftwo727 Posts: 18 Member
What do you all do for exercise?

I mainly do the elliptical right now but in the past I've done P90x and I hope to get back into that soon! I also try to walk everyday and play outside with my kids to burn a few more extra calories :) I do Pilates some days. I also alternate cardio and strength workouts for example I did the elliptical today so tomorrow I will do weights, walk and possibly do a little pilates. I take one day off from working out.


  • rannc
    rannc Posts: 13 Member
    I mostly walk (2 miles) when I do exercise. Right now my primary focus is diet but within 6 or 7 lbs, I plan to incorporate more exercise (walking 2 miles 5 times/week). Eventually I'd like to train for a 5k and I definitely hope to start weight lifting to preserve lean body mass the closer I get to my ideal weight.
  • Mommyoftwo727
    Mommyoftwo727 Posts: 18 Member
    That's great! It's very important to start out at your own pace. I know from personal experiences if you try to overwhelm your self with eating all the right foods, focusing on calories etc and working out... it can make it harder to stick with. As long as you are doing something, you are going in the right direction! I always have to remind my self that when I'm having a bad day!
  • rannc
    rannc Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! :)
  • greyness35
    greyness35 Posts: 2 Member
    I do Elliptical 30 min, run on the treadmill for 30min, 30 min on bike and then a little of weight training.
    My clinic has free yoga classes on Saturday which I go to for an hour
    and I just found out the park district has free Yoga classes on the beach and beach boot camp I think I am going to sign up for that