JMBR Results?

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has any JMBR results they'd like to share? I'm currently on phase 1 and would love to see some results from the different phases to keep me motivated!



  • msstephdenise
    msstephdenise Posts: 5 Member
    I have done the program before. During Phase 1 I lost one jean size and noticed that my waist and butt were actually toning up. I've got lots of "junk in my trunk" so that was the first noticeable thing that I saw when doing phase one. I guess that was the benefit of doing all those squats! :laugh:
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I wasn't able to do lots of the plyometric stuff in a sustained way when I started, now I am. My entire body is a lot more toned and leaned out since I started JMBR.
  • pisces3
    pisces3 Posts: 27
    I'm about 6 weeks in and am watching my total calories. I have noticed a LOT of change in my body shape and tone. I've also lost about 7-8 pounds.

    Good luck!

    Edit: my total weight loss goal is about 15 pounds, so I didn't really have a lot to lose, so I'm happy with the results.
  • Srendon1111
    Srendon1111 Posts: 21 Member
    So when I first started I was 110 and I'm on my last two days. The whole program actually took me 4-5 months because of setbacks. Now I weigh 100 lbs and an very fit. I went from a size 4 to a size 0 and I have abs and muscles. Lol. I wish I could post a pic but not sure how. Overall I love Jillian Michael's. I've also done her 30 day shred and ripped in 30. In total I've lost 40 lbs:-)
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Between JMBR, running, and eating better I'm down almost 30 lbs. and my body is a lot more lean and sculpted. I'm still 14 lbs. away from my GW but I definitely see a difference!
  • pisces3
    pisces3 Posts: 27
    Now that I'm officially done with the full 12 weeks, I thought I'd share my results.

    I lost 13.2 pounds and lost 3 inches off my hips, 3 from my waist, 2 from each thigh and a 1/2 inch from each arm.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Now that I'm officially done with the full 12 weeks, I thought I'd share my results.

    I lost 13.2 pounds and lost 3 inches off my hips, 3 from my waist, 2 from each thigh and a 1/2 inch from each arm.

    That's fantastic!!
  • aalbert_82
    aalbert_82 Posts: 95 Member
    Before starting JMBR I lost 17.5 lbs over 4 months by calorie counting and doing a few cardio workouts per week. I've just completed JMBR. Here are my results:

    Weight: -9.5 lbs
    Neck -0.75
    Chest -1.5
    Arm -0.25
    Waist -2
    Belly -1.5
    Hips -1.5
    Thigh -0.5
    Calf -0.5

    Looking at those numbers, I believe I could have achieved similar results in my weight and measurements by calorie reduction only. But JMBR has noticeably increased my strength and fitness. For example, I was thrilled when I went for a very hilly hike with my family and unlike before I had the stamina to do it easily and without breathing heavily. I left my husband in the dust and was proud.

    I'm going on a business trip and will be taking a week off starting today. When I return my husband and I will start INSANITY. I'm interested to see how my results compare to JMBR.