Totally fell off the wagon...HELP!

acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
So, I had been doing well with my eating, but this week has been a total bust and I feel awful! I had a girls dinner on Tuesday night which I didn't want to go to because I knew I'd over eat and drink too much. I told myself I wouldn't, but of course I did! Therefore, I was dragging yesterday and ate total crap all day, and I have my period. I'm supposed to try on my dress on Saturday, but I'm going to postpone it a week I think. It came in early and I really don't have to have it fitted until September. I'm just so scared It will be super tight and I'll be depressed. Do you ladies think I should try it on, or wait a week, get back on track and go next weekend? Ugh...I feel gross!


  • TaniaLeeLynn
    TaniaLeeLynn Posts: 10 Member
    If you have the ability, I would postpone it. I'm sure that just a couple bad days didn't derail you too much but your overall self perception might be suffering more than anything. Give yourself a week or so, if you can, to get back on track and more importantly feel better because you are making positive steps. Then when you get in your beautiful dress, you will feel positive and beautiful and not frustrated and unnecessarily critical.

    I had a bad day myself yesterday and as frustrated as i was with myself, you just gotta take each day as it comes. Those days are behind you, nothing you can do to change them. So now you just focus on better decisions for today, and tomorrow, and the day after...
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    Keep in mind, that we are not perfect and sometimes we will fall or fail. The good thing about it is that there is always another day to make it count and get back on track. Don't beat yourself up about it! It won't be the first or last time. With all the wedding stress and being overwhelmed with everything else, it isn't easy to stay focused. Just keep your eye on the big picture and end result. Stay motivated and focused! You can do it!