


  • rusticbliss818
    rusticbliss818 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...newbie here.
    I am a mom of 2 Girls. 16 and 6. The 16 year old goes full time to Highschool and also does 2 core math classes at home (cyber classes).

    My 6 year old started this year at home with me using connections academy, but. Pulled her out 2 mo this ago and I am homeschooling her on my own. :0)

    I am happily married to my Highschool sweetheart.
    We both started this health kick on January 1 this year. We needed to do it but we also just had a family member just suddenly pass away a the age of 51. So that's always going to be a time to self reflect.

    And just like the SlimQuick commercial....hubby is down 24 pounds....and I am teetering between 6-8 pounds. He hasn't worked out at all and I am sweating my but off.
    But I am seeing results. Just measured on jan 17 and again on jan 27 and I am down a total of 16 pounds! That is including 2.5" on my waist and 2" on my hips. So....kinda happy about that. He always tells me "Muscle weighs more than fat!" Apparently once again,,,,,he's right.
  • Hello All,

    I am a homeschool mom of 2 girls, age 17 and 11. My girls have never gone to traditional school. My oldest daughter is preparing for a dual enrollment program for her senior year of high school. Homeschooling has been very rewarding for our family. I also work as a RN.

  • sherihollinger
    sherihollinger Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm Sheri.
    I am 46, married forever, have a bunch of kids~
    We have homeschooled for 11 yrs now.
    We have a literature based morning (the basic 3 r's) w/ our afternoon w/ a Charlotte Mason flair.
    Currently homeschooling
    ds 15 (and my right hand man),
    dd 11 (my precocious learner whom I can't begin to keep up with)
    ds 8 (w/ asperger syndrome, my sweet boy w/ many quirks)
    & ds 4 (very rambunctious indeed!)
    We also have 3 older sons living with us;
    ds 18 *adopted big kid* who is doing college and works full time
    ds 19 (was homeschooled 4th thru graduation) and chose an apprenticeship program after taking a "gap" year.
    ds 24 survived public school via much prayer and communication, currently living w/ us while preparing for his summer wedding.
    We have teamed up with the neighbors this year (boy 14 & girl 4) in our afternoons, and have found us moms compliment each other well. I am more structured, the other mama is more "adventurous". =) (we also have a few other preschoolers that join us often- yes, it's busy, but I love it!)
    SW 188 (began my journey last May)
    CW 167
    GW 125
    I recovered from an eating disorder 9 yrs ago (after a 27 yr on/off battle). I am currently ready to work on being healthy and fit. My goal is to be an active mommy this summer, and to enjoy my young ones while they are still little!
    I love walking, zumba, and am getting ready to use Combat (oh my, hope this old body holds up, lol).
  • Hi Everyone...

    I am brand new to myfitnesspal, but not to homeschooling...

    I have been homeschooling my 2 kids (ages 9 and 12) for 4 years now.

    My hubby and I feel it's the best decision we ever made, regarding our kids.

    As for other great decisions I have made, unfortunately taking care of my weight hasn't been one of them.

    I am almost 39.. and embarrassed to say but very obese.

    I am hoping to lose an entire person worth of weight.

    I am looking forward to this challenge though.

    And am excited to do it with like minded people.
  • Hi, my name is Janalee, I am almost 34.
    We have 6 children
    5 live with us full time (my step daughter is with her mother)
    Daughter Shaelin - 14 (from my first marriage)
    Step-Daughter Mattisen - 8 (from hubs relationship prior to me)
    Daughter Tristin - 7 (our first child together)
    Son Adrin - 6 (our second child together)
    Son Korbin - 3 (our third child together)
    Son Linkin - 2 (our fourth child together)
    ...and I would really like one more...but hubs says no...so that mean (maybe?)

    I was 191 at my heaviest full term with my last - I had lost about 50 pounds last year using the Body-By-Vi Visalus Shake. AND NO I AM NOT HERE TO PROMOTE OR SELL A PRODUCT.....lol, anyway it went really well until these last 7 months I started being more lazy with what I ate and stopped drinking my shakes and have gained back about 20 pounds. So, I am here again on myfitnesspal to focus on loosing that weight back off and then loose even more.

    Right now I weigh 169 and my goal is to be 125-130.

    I homeschool my 5 children (my oldest does more of an independent approach) and the 2 year old really just runs around for most of the lessons until naptime. I primarly focus on my 7 and 6 year old for instructional learning and the 3 year old whenever he is willing.

    Besides homeschooling I work at the hospital VERY part time as an x-ray and CT tech. I also co-own my husbands business and help with the books for him. Between that and housework, farm chores, our oldest's fight with Cancer and everything else I find that I have been neglecting my health. (not that I am sick, but just forgotten)

    I am here because my husband and I are just living through the day - we are so tied up in our own priorities (kids, business...) that we basically just co-live. I find this very sad and I want to feel better about myself. Loose weight, look good, catch his attention...ya know....

    SOOOOOooooo, that is me and all of my card at the table.
  • BeyondThePast
    BeyondThePast Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just realized I didn't post an intro ..

    Here is a little bit about me.. I am a homeschooling mom to 5 kids.. 17,15,13,10,and 4 whew! Looks a lot different when it is all typed out , lol.

    Anywhooo, I am back on the horse again, trying to lose my last 40lbs and it is not easy with the kids, but I am making it happen. I

    love to walk, that is where I have lost most of my weight and also watching what I eat of course. But its been a slow process about

    2 year now, slowly but surely its coming along. I hope everyone is doing gr8 and feel free to add me , need all the motivation

    I can get !
  • whydoesitmatter2
    whydoesitmatter2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi luulii35 and everyone!
    I was kinda wondering if this group was still active, Im glad to see that it is :)
    I am very new to MFP and just trying to figure things out..

    I am a SAHHM - thats Stay at Home Homeschooling mom :)
    We have 7 kids, but the three youngest are not in school yet. My baby turned 1 this Feb and I knew it was time to get the weight off, I am counting calories & trying to do Walk off the Pounds 4-5 days a week. I am doing this for me... for my health, energy levels, I want to look and feel good. I am 36 years old and it is time that I start acting like a grown up and taking care of myself and practicing moderation..!!
    I have lost 8 lbs so far (3 on mfp) and have at least 32 more to go... we will see when we get there it that feels right.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined this group at the same time that I joined MFP (Oct. 2013) but there haven't been any posts since then. I'm happy to see someone finally posting, because I think we have similar lifestyles and are well-equipped to support each other. A roll call of current members would be nice, to see who is still active on MFP :)

    I am a 40 year old mom of 3 : a 17 year old son, a 14 year old daughter and a 3 year old little girl. I have homeschooled them all from day one, across two states and three countries over 12 years.

    This is my third weight loss journey, and I intend to keep it off this time! I am making fitness my priority along with healthy eating that is sustainable. I battle treat bingeing, but every day I'm moving closer to a healthier relationship with food.

    All my info. is on my profile as well if you want more details about me :)

    Hope the group becomes more active!
  • Hi! My name is Darla, I will be 30 in September!! Yikes!! This is my 4th year of homeschooling and I will be adding #3 of my 4 kids this year to some more structured schooling. I have an 8 year old, 7 year old, 5 year old and a 3 year old. They keep me busy, but I still haven't lost my pregnancy pooch :( Not sure if this is due to them all being c-section babies or not.
    I get really focused on homeschooling and I completely lose focus of me and then I hit a point where I don't like anything I wear, I have no confidence in myself and then the rest of my life starts to suffer.
    I would love to set a better example for my family, I would love to start cooking healthier meals for them!!
    Hoping this group gives me an extra boost and reminder to take care of myself :)
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    Hi, my name is Misty I am 47, newly single after 17 yrs. & I homeschool my 12 yr. old daughter. I have an in home daycare so that I can stay home with her, we have homeschooled since the beginning. I lost almost 60 pounds from October to March & now am in maintenance mode. I love my new look & feel, so much more active now. I am hypothyroid & went gluten/wheat, dairy & soy free. It has been awesome!
  • veganMomto7
    veganMomto7 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, My name is Tabitha and I have seven with 6 still in homeschool. Also, I do daycare for littles under 5. That is a workout! Besides that I run a couple miles in the morning and yoga in the evenings to unwind. I really do not need to lose weight. Just trying to keep it that way. This is the first time I have logged on in what seems like forever. Hope to log on at least once a week to fill in the blanks. I have been keeping a food and exercise journal in my handy dandy notebook. I have missed the encouragement and community of mfp. So I am back.
  • jenblackwell2
    jenblackwell2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am a SAHM mamma, homeschooling my two little ones... we are somewhere in the land of Preschool - 1st grade. My oldest is 5.5 and my lil' one is 3.5. We really just play and have fun. I am still trying to loose my baby weight. I got REALLY big with both my pregnancies. Over the last year I have gained back some of the weight I worked really hard to loose. I am a vegetarian, and I focus really hard cooking wholefood and no processed food for my family. Sometimes even when we eat really healthy foods we still eat too much. :)