Surgery Regrets



  • I am 1 week out today. I definitely feel the thoughts "what have I done" I actually started the work up 1 1/2 years ago, my insurance was like pulling teeth, but I also followed with a bariatric psychologist every month the whole time to make me feel like I was in the right mindset when it did finally happen. Saying that I still feel like I was not mentally prepared. I expected to just bounce right back and be back to my normal activity by now, but am struggling with it. Pain isn't so bad from incisions, but the pain with drinking, the burping, feeling of gas bubbles trapped, and some depression from that I guess is more bothersome. Am hoping each day gets better and will have my pep back in my step in no time!
  • suzee279
    suzee279 Posts: 58
    It is hard at first. This is a huge change and change is more difficult for some than others. There are alot of people who say it was not that much of an interruption, but I did find it to be a huge adjustment. At first I didn't feel good, and then I felt weak for much longer than I would have thought. A month out I was starting to feel better, but still didn't feel "good". It took a couple of months to get used to the new way of eating and to have some strength and feel like I could truly function again. I will say this and echo what you have probably DOES get better. And the end result is worth it. Your life does not have to stop.

    Give yourself time. This is a major surgery and it takes some time to bounce back. There is nothing wrong with that. Just be kind to yourself and take comfort in that you are taking care of yourself and your health.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I actually was fine at first. I loved that I couldn't eat like I did before surgery. That being said, I have felt moments of regret, but nothing that depressed me badly or lasted too long. Usually, it was if I was eating something really good like a steak or something and I'd think, "Man, I wish I could eat a whole damn steak instead of this measly 1.5-2 oz of it". I just remind myself of how miserable I was at over 300 lbs and how 20 years of trying to lose weight on my own wasn't working.

    It's a bit crazy sometimes to think that for the rest of my life I'll never be able to eat like I used to eat, but that really is a good thing!

    I still have weight to lose, but I am so happy I was sleeved. I feel a million times better now than before my surgery in October and even after losing a chunk of it. It's awesome thinking about how I'll just keep feeling better as I continue to lose. This surgery really is an amazing tool that can change your life.

  • bethkallastrask
    bethkallastrask Posts: 39 Member
    The first few months are the hardest because the change is so drastic from what you are used to. It gets easier as time goes on. Hang in there. You made the right choice for your health, give your head some time to catch up and you will be fine. I am 6 months post op and have lost 77% of my excess body weight! :)