No Sleep!

katebrog Posts: 44 Member
Ugh, okay so I'm currently 36w/3d and I am having a hard time sleeping. I can typically fall asleep pretty well, but I end up waking up in the middle of the night to pee and then toss and turn the remainder of the night. Also, heartburn has been pretty bad, but I take meds to help with that, so it hasn't been waking me up too bad lately. I just seem to not be able to get comfortable and even when I am comfortable, I feel wide awake! It's so frustrating, especially since I feel like this is the time I should be catching up on some shut eye before the baby arrives, but lately it seems impossible to sleep the entire night. And on the weekends, when I can sleep in a little late, the latest I sleep is 7:30 if I'm really lucky...usually I wake up before 7am! Any other late 3rd trimester ladies having difficulty sleeping?


  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm in my first trimester, which has been tough! I get woken up by hunger, having to pee, because I'm having a hot flash, or just because my hips or knees hurt! When I was in my third trimester with my first, it was tough! Its all about lots of pillows, sleeping slightly upright and even possibly drinking a small cup of milk before bed. If you sleep fine until after you get up to pee, try a small snack, meditating or even Benadryl to help you sleep. Of course all these suggestions might help...but sleeping during your third trimester isn't usually something to be desired. Are you sleeping in a bed? A lot of women have great success with pregnancy pillows, or moving into a recliner.
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    I am 37w2d and I definitely feel you!! There are few days every so often I may get a night that I sleep all the way through but it is rare. My husband bought a pregnancy pillow which seems to help alleviate some of the weight I put on my stomach when I sleep as I can lean back on something. All I know if my tempurpedic mattress is the only reason I even sleep anymore because I tried napping on a regular mattress and it was terrible to me! I try to limit drinking before bed so I am not up as often to pee and I take a TUMS before falling asleep so the heartburn doesn't bother me too much. I still manage to get up to pee at least 2-3 times a night but then I am parched so I drink water...probably doesn't help things.

    For me it is more about being uncomfortable sleeping on my side as I was always a stomach/back sleeper. Only a few more weeks love and when the baby is napping we will probably have the best naps in the world. :laugh:
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks ladies! I was thinking I could hold off on a body pillow. So far, I've been sleeping with two thick pillows behind my head and then one between my legs, but maybe a body pillow may help with comfort? Not this point I feel like I should just grin and bare it, especially considering I don't have much longer to go. We don't have a recliner, or I would definitely give that a try! Luckily I've been able to ease the heartburn issues by taking tums at night and also watching what I eat and when I eat before going to bed. I find that if I eat late, and then try to lay down I always end up with heartburn! We actually had an ultrasound last week to see how our baby girl is growing and the technician showed us that our girl has a head full of hair! I guess that wives tale of baby having hair will make you have heartburn is true! :) Before pregnancy, I've always had a bit of trouble sleeping and would take melatonin to help me dose off, during pregnancy I've really been trying to avoid sleeping aids, even melatonin...but here lately I've given in to it and it helps me fall asleep, but when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, I feel wide awake! If it continues to happen again, I'm just going to try reading something boring that will hopefully help me nod off to sleep or try eating a light snack, I do wake up hungry sometimes!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    A warm bath or shower may help with getting to sleep. When you body cools from the bath it helps you to fall asleep quickly.
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    Some people don't believe me but I slept way better with a newborn than I ever did pregnant. Between the backaches, sciatica and getting up to pee I swear I am up all night long. Hang in there! Your your little one is almost here ;-)
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    A warm bath sounds lovely!! I need to try that before bed tonight and see if it helps! And yes, not much longer now, about 25ish days to go! I can do it, I can do it! :)
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hang in there! I'm in my 1st trimester & am having a very difficult time sleeping most nights & staying asleep. I'm either nauseated, hungry, or have to pee! I'm thinking about buying a body pillow. Maybe it'll help!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    Some people don't believe me but I slept way better with a newborn than I ever did pregnant. Between the backaches, sciatica and getting up to pee I swear I am up all night long. Hang in there! Your your little one is almost here ;-)

    This! I slept so much better with my newborn than I did in the last month. I had to pee a million times, heartburn was terrible and everything hurt. I have started sleeping with 3 pillows under me this time around so I'm pretty much sitting up. I'm 24+4 weeks and am not looking forward to the last month.
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    It sucks, but I'd try and power through it. It will make your adjustment to the baby being here MUCH easier. I had a horrible time sleeping my last trimester with my last pregnancy, and it was awful, but by comparison having a newborn around was a breeze. I definitely feel you though. One night I got up and started crying just because I was soooo exhausted and couldn't sleep. I try to tell myself its natures way of preparing me for when the baby gets here.

    On that note you don't want to be a total zombie. Do you do any relaxation exercises? Like listening to music? I have a ton of guided meditations for rest and sleep, and I find those help. I also listen to classical or spa/zen/white noise style music if it gets really bad. My daughter went through a stage when she was a baby where she would only take her nap if I played the same music. ;) Also warm bath, warm milk, a cup of herbal tea. I can only sleep propped up on a million pillows so I am at about a 45 degree incline, and even then sometimes I can't.

    I'm in no way affiliated with either, but Google Play and Grooveshark both have $10/month unlimited streaming services. Google Play has more guided meditation stuff, IMO though. I'm trying to do some of the hypnobirthing things now. No idea if it will work or not, but hoping I will be marginally less freaked out than I was during the birth of my daughter.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Some people don't believe me but I slept way better with a newborn than I ever did pregnant. Between the backaches, sciatica and getting up to pee I swear I am up all night long. Hang in there! Your your little one is almost here ;-)

    Yup!!! I remember telling my OB during my first pregnancy that I couldn't wait for the baby to come so I could actually sleep! When she was a newborn (<6 weeks) she was up/we woke her every 3 hours to feed, but at least when I went to bed I actually slept, and I crashed hard every time. I was still tired, but at least I was sleeping. Luckily she started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and everything went back to "normal" (new normal!).

    Have you tried sleeping separately from your husband? DH and I have a king sized bed but we're both tall and like our space. Some nights if he's having a particularly bad night for snoring, or I've had several bad nights in a row, he'll move to the guest room and I sleep so much better. I miss his presence, but those nights I always have the best sleeps! Doesn't have to be a permanent move, just a night here and there can make a world of difference.
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    Some people don't believe me but I slept way better with a newborn than I ever did pregnant. Between the backaches, sciatica and getting up to pee I swear I am up all night long. Hang in there! Your your little one is almost here ;-)

    This! I slept so much better with my newborn than I did in the last month. I had to pee a million times, heartburn was terrible and everything hurt. I have started sleeping with 3 pillows under me this time around so I'm pretty much sitting up. I'm 24+4 weeks and am not looking forward to the last month.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member