Back on Track? Again.....

bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
Anyone need a push to get back on track (again?!)


I'm up a few pounds, finding myself grabbing a bottle of wine and then eating junk after a few glasses.
Also, I've been slacking with my exercise, and feel I've lost focus.

I'm going to really try to motivate myself to stay on track, any suggestions/ statuses and progress stories are welcomed!

... hope everyone is doing well :)


  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member

    I am in the same boat. The house is full of beer and I'll have one when no one is home. It was not getting out of hand but it was repeating. So I reflected on why I decided I had to stop in the first place. I remembered the alcohol poisoning, the foul moods and poor relations with my wife and girls. And I ask myself why do I want to go down that road again? Why go backwards when I have come forward so far?

    So the jones'ing never goes away. But the feeling of progress can be lost so I rededicate myself to no more alcohol.

    And I get rid of the stash in the house.
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    Hey! I'm new here! I was browsing alcohol related forums/groups and came across some that were about cutting back for weight loss. Some AA inspired, but I need one smack in the middle, I think. Ha. I'm 32, live in Toronto, Canada. I drink quite a bit, but it's a huge issue of reflection in my life. It's under the microscope lately. Probably 4 days a week, I'd say. I'm currently in the hospitality industry, have been on/off for years, so I'm around servers, bartenders all the time. We all like to party. Also, my schedule often varies so sometimes a Tuesday is my "Friday" night, etc.

    My partner is also a drinker, but definitely follows my lead on consumption/abstinence. Where I have the crushing guilt the next day, he just picks up and carries on with his day. So often I'll pump the brakes or make some grand declaration of wanting/needing a break. We just came off a week of clean clarity, as I like to call it! Or sobriety works too. Anyway....sometimes partner and I can really support each other, other times enable.

    I have a nine year old step-daughter also. She's with us every other weekend. We are clean and behaved those weekends for sure. We don't wake and drink or drink during workdays or anything like that. We just both enjoy unwinding after work, but sometimes it goes a bit to far for my liking. I would like to be the type that has one drink after work and that's it. Not four. It's the whole binge thing that pisses me off, stresses me out!

    AND MAN, do I ever detest logging those drinks on here! It guts me! I try to be good with food, try to stay quite active. Then I add like six drinks after a night out and Boom! AND often it sucks having to deny myself snacks or sweets because I know that those calories need to be reserved for wine. Bah. just wanted to jump in here! I read through a lot of forums but rarely comment. Guess I'm a bit least until you get a glass or two in me. Haha. Anyway....I just need a place where I can continue on my journey to cut down and be honest with struggles with minimal-to-no judgement.

    Lastly, my fella and I are taking a dry month from mid-Sept. to mid-October! We do it every Autumn. Want to wait until summer is over, but be finished before Thanksgiving (Canada). We're getting married on the American Thanksgiving in Costa Rica! So a sober month will help with some weight shed, healthy skin, focus towards wrapping up last minute wedding details. BUT most importantly, we are becoming non-smokers during that time! When I've quit in the past, temporarily quitting drinking has been a huge help! I want to get married as a non-smoker. I'm really over it!

    Anyway....lengthy, sorry! I hope I will fit in here, as it's nice to have support and see connection and similarities with others. It's soothing.

  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Hi Nadamandar!

    I have many, many things in common with your post! you're not alone.!!
    As far as calorie counting goes, EVERY time i take a drink, I go over my limits and end up stalled in my weight loss. Then i find it takes me a day or two to get motivated again, so, i lose time just getting back in control.
    Also- I just do not have 1 or 2 light drinks, i have 5 or 6 or 7, AND i start munching on higher calorie foods, too. if i could drink without eating crappy foods, i'd be a lot better off.

    I am getting back on track because i really want to lose some of these extra pounds. That i've put on this last year or so. maybe 10-15. I know that drinking will severly hinder this success for me, so that's that. I also feel so much better, clearer, and more motivated for calorie counting and fitness when i am not drinking.
    It doesn't have to be 100%, I'm shooting for 80% or so.
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm with basically everyone else who has posted here! I love to drink craft beer (you know, the goooood stuff) and wine, and every time I have to log those drinks... man. Ouch. I'm like many of you in that I don't have just 1 or 2, more like 3 or 5. I calculated that I drank 1,600 extra calories in beer alone THIS WEEK. Wow. Considering that my daily calorie allowance is 1,400 - - that's a LOT of extra calories! I'm considering trying a week without beer and seeing how it speeds up my weight loss, which right now is a whopping 2 lbs. Anyways, just wanted to say how nice it is to see people who are in the same boat.
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Ariannes -
    YES !
    i can consume 1000's of extra calories in booze. ( 1000+ in 1 day at times... )
    i'm also shooting for 1400 cals/ day so it can kill my progress.

    however..... the weeks where i do not drink , and stick to my 1400-- i bounce back quite nicely and can drop at a good, steady rate. who knew? :P
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Good to hear! What I did was go into my settings, and create a new category just for beer/wine/alcohol, so I can log that separately and actually SEE how much I'm drinking in terms of calories, which motivates me to stay on track. So, I budget calories for each section, if you will. It seems to be working. It puts everything in perspective from a calorie standpoint.
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    Hey good idea! I just made "Snacks" my alcohol section, but then was moving snacks around to lunch, etc. I'm going to do what you did! My fella brought home a bottle of wine on Thursday and I actually managed to have half of the bottle and then switch to water! Progress! We have my Stepdaughter this weekend so it'll be relatively tame. However.....I do have my in-laws coming over for lunch AND dinner (finance's brilliant idea) and it's supposed to now who knows! I may be having some necessary wine today : )

    And true true about craft beer! So delicious but totally hefty to add!
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    GREAT idea!
    I think I'm going to add in a booze section too. Might be good to see it separately as i usually add it into the "snacks" section.
    Thanks for the idea !
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    You're welcome everyone! I made the section through the website and not the app... I don't know how to do it through the app. Last night.. well, yeah, I had a bottle of wine (which is usual for me on a Friday night), but I think the logging is really working because I'm down another 2 lbs! Also, I was very close to my calorie goal for the day, instead of being 1,000 calories or more over when I was drinking beer so much (I miss craft beer... sniff..). Here's to keeping on track! Good luck with your in-laws nadamandar...I wish it would rain here in SoCal.
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    Take a look at my diary! It was a challenge! My fella was trying to put out a spread like his Mom he went crazy. Pork, beef and chicken? And insistent on having a bit of each...with potato salad (with bacon) and cabbage salad (with a buttload of feta and walnuts). Dinner was nuts and I hardly had a tonne on my plate. Just so high in calories for some things.

    I felt more satisfied with the turkey sandwich and it was less calories!

    Then the alcohol......Out of alcohol at the end of the evening, exhausted from 8 hours of talking/being hit with wedding questions....fella and I had a bit of sweet vermouth cuz it was all that was left in the house. I don't like when we do that. Makes me feel ashamed and shows my dependency.'s a new day....with a fridge full of leftovers .....hahaha.....maybe another turkey sandwich!