Beginner: fitting in cardio?

knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
I just finished reading the YAYOG book and I purchased the app. I plan to begin at the very beginning on Monday.

My history: I've been running about 12 miles a week for about 2 years now (winters off) and doing Fitness Blender strength and cardio videos in between runs and all winter long. So I have a good weight loss and cardio base, and a small strength base. I'd like to work on my physique now and have chosen bodyweight based on my goals: better runs, tighter body, lower body fat, smaller clothing size.

My question for all of you: I see that Mark recommends basically no additional cardio to the program. However one of the main reasons I want to strength train is to make my running even more enjoyable, because I love it. I don't run long or fast, but what I do, I love. So has anyone worked cardio into the program? What was your schedule, and how much time did you do? I'd like to run 3 times a week but I don't think I can fit it into my work/home schedule if I'm doing YAYOG 4/5 times per week. I'll need more rest days than that and won't work out more than once a day.

Thanks for any advice!


  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I run every second day, do strength every second day.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    So you don't worry about trying to fit all four (or five) exercises into a single week, just alternate? That's a very good idea. I guess I had it stuck in my head that I couldn't stray from the prescribed timeline. :)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    When I was doing YAYOG I was running 3X a week, and doing the program(app on phone) only twice a week.
    I found the structure to be quite similar to circuit training, so you get some cardio work from the actual program too.
  • eleamtedon
    eleamtedon Posts: 4 Member
    Or you could have a look at the women's program Body By You (by Mark Lauren as well), the workouts are just three times a week, and just great if you have never done strength training before.