Post your fit test results

Ok Im astonished at how far Ive come since first started Insanity. Tomorrow Im going to post my fit test results instead of writing my numbers in my journal. Anyone else who has experienced an increase share your accomplishments.


  • DominiqueRobinson28
    DominiqueRobinson28 Posts: 107 Member
    Today my fit test was extra hard for me to get through but I did it dizzy and all
    Switch Kicks 106
    Power Jacks 63
    Power Knee 126
    Power Jump 53
    Globe Jumps 10
    Suicide Jumps 21
    Push Up Jacks 31
  • tcole1414
    tcole1414 Posts: 9
    Just did my 2nd fit test and I am amazed at how far I've come in only 15 days. I can't wait to see what happens in 60 days!

    Switch Kicks= 108/88 -yes, the number is lower but I did it with correct form this time and I could actually jump up and switch my feet
    Power Jacks= 30/35
    Power Knee 70/94
    Power Jump 15/20
    Globe Jumps 4/7- i barely could do this the first time but i did 7 full ones
    Suicide Jumps 4/6
    Push Up Jacks 8/11
  • DominiqueRobinson28
    DominiqueRobinson28 Posts: 107 Member
    15 days and most of your numbers have already doubled I cant wait you see your end results either you are going to be a beast keep up the progression
  • danfiveoh
    danfiveoh Posts: 23
    Here's mine for the first 4 (currently on Week 7, day 3) I have one remaining in a couple of weeks.

    Switch Kicks - 50/103/121/125 (I get the feeling I didn't try very hard on the first one)
    Power Jacks - 38/45/52/55
    Power Knees - 71/88/98/104
    Power Jumps - 21/23/30/42
    Globe Jumps - 4/6/8/9
    Suicide Jumps - 11/16/16/18
    Push Up Jacks - 20/26/26/29
    Low Plank Oblique - 40/57/55/60

    Happy with the results so far.
  • ba502
    ba502 Posts: 54 Member
    My 2nd Fit Test results were:
    Switch Kicks 39/45
    Power jacks 36/40
    Power Knees 60/68
    Power Jumps 22/25
    Globe Jumps 5/6
    Suicide Jumps 14/19
    Push Up Jacks 19/23
    Low Plank Oblique 26/34

    I've just finished Week 4, and starting into the Recovery week before starting the 2nd month of Insanity. I'm really enjoying this program and was amazed at the improvement in my 2 fit tests.
  • My 2nd Fit Test results are:

    Switch Kicks 84 104
    Power Jacks 46 50
    Power Knees 61 68
    Power Jumps 34 30
    Globe Jumps 7 6
    Suicide Jumps 12 10
    Push-up Jacks 11 17
    Lower Plank Obliques 38 42