Knee Pain

Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
I believe this is my first post here! Anyways, I've taken some time off from SL because I was in and out of town so much over the last couple of months. I wanted to get back to it so I went to start with a low weight knowing my numbers would've dropped over that long of a break. So, I started really low and... knee pain. LOTS of knee pain. And ONLY on my right knee on the inside. My chiro says that I must be turning my knee in, but I'm not sure how I could be turning in one but not the other. Any idea on what I could be doing wrong? I'm not really sure what it could be... I was warmed up and nothing else was wrong after but the inside of my right knee. I'm wondering if instead of *kitten* to grass if I should just do to or slightly past parallel. I think I am going to go watch some more videos now and see if I'm missing something. And btw, I've walked away from lifting since because it was terribly sore and I was afraid of doing damage.


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Go to an orthopedic dr to get it checked out instead of a chiro
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Oh, she wasn't checking it. I was having an adjustment, and after we got to talking. She asked how things were going with our plans to move, working out, etc. and I told her that all was good except for this. And she said, hmmm... sounded like form to her. Her suggestion was to work on form and if I had any other issues to see a doc. But she 'thought' that I had to be 'pigeoning' it. Aka, turning my knees in. I just wanted to see if anyone else thought it could be this or some other issue or maybe flexibility. She wasn't diagnosing, just chit-chatting. It's an awesome office and I love it there but I'm not sure how much lifting she does even though their office encourages it.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    To maybe answer your question it is very possible to have one knee cave in, and the other not. It's actually pretty common although the degree will vary ofc.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Good to know! I think I will have my hubby watch me and maybe record myself from a couple of different angles to see if I can see where I need to correct. Thanks!
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
    I’m nursing a little knee injury myself. I have a history of knee problems (several dislocation injuries). The physical therapist always had me doing quad and ham exercises because “those are the knee stabilizing muscles”. Also, he once told me that if my hamstrings are tight, it could cause knee pain.
    I recorded myself and my form look a little off.... I think my feet were too far apart and I would lean forward a bit on the way up (I think this indicates the weights are too heavy but I’m not really sure). I deloaded 20lbs and that seemed to help. (Also, I took about 7-10 days off of heavy weights).
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    My right knee caves in on squats. I worked with a trainer who does Oly lifts last week, and he suggested working on building the head of my quad on that side (vastus medialis) and using a resistance band during squats. Basically I wrap the band (circular band) around my thighs above the knee and focus on pushing the band outwards during squats to keep my knee from collapsing inward. He also suggested doing pistols and bulgarian split squats to work the muscles and increase my stability.

    I don't actually have pain when this happens though, so I second the suggestion of getting it checked by a doctor.
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
    Basically I wrap the band (circular band) around my thighs above the knee and focus on pushing the band outwards during squats to keep my knee from collapsing inward. He also suggested doing pistols and bulgarian split squats to work the muscles and increase my stability.

    Love that idea! May have to try it :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i've also had knee worries, and definitely noticed that i pivot to the right on my way down and up. i know one of my legs is longer than the other, but can't remember which one ;-). makes for pelvic rotation, uneven glute activation, all kinds of things that the squat tends to bring out. the knee doesn't visibly cave, but i always tuck my shirt in so i can watch the waistband on my pants if i need to, and that's where i often see a tilt/shift going on.

    for myself, i found this guy's suggestions very helpful :
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I just saw this in a vid on youtube after I was watching myself squat. I was thinking hey, that's a great idea! I think my issue is I have slight scoliosis. So, I always have a hip issue. I think the compensation is that I sink that one knee in. I also think that I wasn't going deep enough so I'm going to go bare bar for a while and get the best form I can. I am also going to work on my core in hopes of building my knees and core so I can get back to it! If I have any more issues, off to the doc with me!