Intro and Sign Up Thread!

Basically introduce yourself in this form:

Goal with Insanity:
Starting Weight:
Goal Weight:
Day of Insanity you're on:

So mine is!

Name: Ruby
Goal with Insanity: To lose weight, tone up and lose the muffin top!
Starting Weight: 150lbs
Goal Weight: 119lbs
Day of Insanity you're on: Day 1!


  • ReenieReenie05
    ReenieReenie05 Posts: 24 Member
    Name: IRENE
    Goal with Insanity: TIGHTEN UP AND LOSE BELLY FAT
    Starting Weight: 154
    Goal Weight: 130
  • ReenieReenie05
    ReenieReenie05 Posts: 24 Member
    I should add that I'm already on day 29 of the program... can I still be a member of this group?... please say yesss!!
  • Of course! Anyone who wants to can join! :)
    I might actually change the name so people can all join in haha!
  • MommaRaven
    MommaRaven Posts: 23 Member
    Name: Jess
    Goal; tighten up, and be able to fit into my pregnancy work pants.
    Starting weight: 206
    Goal weight: 145-155 (obviously not expecting to get there just with Insanity).
    Day: 1!
  • Never know, a few rounds might do the trick! :)
    Good luck and welcome everyone :)
  • roserosey1993
    roserosey1993 Posts: 21 Member

    My names Amaris and I'm currently just waiting for my insanity to arrive in the mail. When it does ill be starting right up! I didn't do the shake part, but I am going to try to follow the nutrition guide for different recipes.

    When I joined MFP I weighed 354.9lbs which is the heaviest Ive ever been.

    I currently way 264lbs so I've lost a total of 90 lbs so far.

    My Goal Weight will be around 130-50 at the most after putting on muscle and toning.

    I look forward to insanity but I need the challenge, believe it or not I've gotten into shape with my normal routines, So i need something to challenge me and really kick me in gear! (:
  • Goal with Insanity: Lose weight & get stronger
    Starting Weight: 181
    Current Weight: 168
    Goal Weight: 120 - 130, but hopefully 150 by the end of Insanity!
    Day of Insanity you're on: 1!!!!
  • Goal: Lose weight and firm up my belly
    Starting weight: 141
    Current weight: 141
    Goal weight: 125

    Day of Insanity: 9

    I am doing the 60 day challenge with Insanity and managing it so far. But I do find the workouts really tough. What does everyone else think? I am doing it with my husband and he finds it pretty tough too!

    Btw Amaris - amazing weight loss. You must be so proud of yourself.:smile:
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Great group for MFP, thank you for offering it. I started my second round of Insanity after gaining 20lbs from a weightlifting injury. I'm 5 days into it now, and have lost 3 lbs already. If anyone needs advice or opinions how to proceed and succeed, let me know. I'm not a professional at it, but might have some helpful hints for you.

    Good luck to all, and KEEP PRESSING PLAY!!

  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    oops, forgot...

    Goal with Insanity: Lose weight & tone up
    Starting Weight: 202
    Current Weight: 200.5
    Goal Weight: 180
    Day of Insanity you're on: 6
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Rashidat
    Goal with Insanity: loose weight, tighten up belly and to get into shape for a new healtheir lifestyle
    Starting Weight: 222.8
    Current weight: 215.6 (7/28/14)
    Goal Weight: 150 (193 when done with insanity)
    Day of insanity you're on: 23 (7/29/14)

    I am so glad I found this group. I just wrote a post on this with no replies lol.
  • JolieVivas
    JolieVivas Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Jolie
    Goal with Insanity: tone up
    Starting Weight: 152
    Goal Weight: 125
    Day of Insanity you're on: 1 start tomorrow ;)

    I'm gonna try really hard to keep this up. Add me for support, I'll need some as well. ;) Woot Good Luck everyone!
  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    Name: Sharon
    Goal with Insanity: Get through every workout
    Starting Weight: 178
    Goal Weight: 150
    Day of Insanity you're on: 1 - start tonight

    Tried it once before and relaized after three days that I wasn't going to get through it. I tried to keep up with Shaun and hurt myself. This time, I'm a bit more informed and hoping I don't let my competitiveness push me too hard.

    And whatever the results are after I'm done, I'll be good with it.
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Insanity is all about pacing. You MUST pace yourself and complete the circuits at your own comfort zone. Take breaks, rest in between, but make sure you SWEAT! Remember, sweat is fat tears melting off you. DON'T hurt yourself by going all out, especially if you've had bad knees in the past. GOOD LUCK ALL!!!
  • Welcome everybody!
    I'm delighted we have so many people already to really motivate and support each other. Insanity is so tough, but the rewards will definitely be worth it! We just need to stick together and encourage each other :)
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Name: Chantel
    Goal with Insanity: Lose 2 dresses sizes/ 15 pounds/to fit into my pre-prego clothes
    Starting Weight: 230
    Goal Weight: 170 pounds
    Goal Weight for Insanity: 215
    Day of Insanity you're on: Havent started---- will start August 18, 2014
  • Name: Melizza
    Goal with Insanity: Lose weight, tone and tighten up and put muscle on
    Starting Weight: 160
    Goal Weight: 125
    Day of Insanity you're on: 1
  • Welcome everyone! Good luck and keep pushing play! :)
  • penwah89
    penwah89 Posts: 13
    Name: Penny
    Goal with Insanity: Get fit, shed fat and tone up
    Starting Weight: 68kg/150lbs
    Goal Weight: 60kg/132lbs
    Day of Insanity you're on: 9

    Hi Everyone,
    My husband and I started insanity last week and we are loving it.
    We decided to weigh and measure ourselves every time we do a fit test. I cant wait to weigh myself on day 14, my pants feel lose so I'm hoping I've lost a bit.
    I had a baby almost 5 months ago, Ive also had 4 babies in the last four years so I have a bit of stubborn weight to get rid of!
    My heartrate has never been under 80bpm at rest and was usually 90-100bpm at rest when I was pregnant. I checked it tonight and it was 72bpm. I was shocked, goes to show insanity is already working on my cardiovascular fitness :D
  • Hello and Welcome Penny!
    It's great you've decided to do this together- it's much easier with support from the OH!