

  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Wow Charli, that's scary! I couldn't imagine the thoughts that must have been going through your head! I'm glad everything is okay and that your still here with us and in good spirits! What a trooper:flowerforyou:

    This week is just flying by! I've slacked on both logging and working outembarassed I've worked 12 days in a row now and still have 2 more before I get a day off. I'm starting to get a little worn down. BUT, it's my 5th anniversary this weekend and my husband and I are going to the beach to celebratebigsmile We are leaving Thursday night though so if there isn't a link for our weigh-in up before I leave, I will just post my weight here if someone wouldn't mind posting it for me on Friday.
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    We are leaving Thursday night though so if there isn't a link for our weigh-in up before I leave, I will just post my weight here if someone wouldn't mind posting it for me on Friday.

    Not a problem. I can post the weight for you if you are not available.

    Charli...def. a scary thing! Both you and Rezekiel need to take it easy and rest up!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Alright team, I'm at 159.8lbs today. That's a pound for me...Good luck friends!
  • Charlottepebody1982
    Charlottepebody1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Team!

    I have weighed in... 15:10 that's 220lb meaning I have lost this week 3lb!! whoop whoop,

    Hope you all have a great weigh in xx
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Hey Team Green,
    I hope everyone got in there weigh-ins for w2. My loss was good but I'm still not able to workout. I might have to go see a chiropractor to straighten out my back (literally). I won't be checking in for the next 4 days since I'm heading out to NYC for the first time, but I'll be back in time to give my results, which may not be good :ohwell: , for Friday.

    I hope everyone had a good week and a better one coming!!
  • Charlottepebody1982
    Charlottepebody1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Good look for the chiropractor. I saw an osteopath for shoulder and worked miracles turns out was my ribs not shoulder.
    get better soon xx
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    GREAT JOB TEAM GREEN! Even though we did not win...we still were one of the TOP THREE teams!!! Slow and steady wins the race! We did, however, loose a member. We are down to 8.

    I ran the Warrior Dash NY on Saturday. Was such a blast! One of the most fun Mud Runs. I did all 12 obstacles and ran most* of the 3.2mi...there was about a half mile where you were running UP a mountain where I struggled. What really killed my time was the waiting I had to do in order to have my turn at the obstacles. My time was 48min. If I didn't have to wait at all the obstacles, I definitely could have done it in under 40min easy. Not bad for a 30 year old with a bum knee! Next year I'll be even better!

    I did 3mi cardio yesterday (1.5 on treadmill, 1.2 on elliptical)...I am going to try and KEEP my 10mile goal each week...who knows. Maybe I will up it!
  • mVeneciaL
    mVeneciaL Posts: 12 Member
    I Just want to take this time to tell everyone on our green team GREAT JOB! I also wanted to take this time to introduce myself. I am a mother of 3 young boy's 12 , 9, and 6 year's old I love my boy's. After having the 1st two boy's my weight went back to I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant I went to 180lbs on all 3 of my pregnancies but after the 3rd my weight went down to 170lbs and after that I have been slowly creeping up. Its hard to lose but I must say I have not been really trying to lose weight. I always tell myself I will start Monday but now I know that I can do this and at this point in my life I feel like I owe it to myself to fell good about my weight again. I want to take care of me better. I have always been putting other's before me but before I can give other's my best I need to work on me. I want to be able to have more energy. I have been taking care of what we eat eating healthy stuff and including my kids to teach them that healthy food are good they love it. I do not have a hard time getting them to eat veggies they love salads. This has helped me a lot, My long time goal is to run in a 5k and I want to do it in Sep I'm training to be able to do it and I hope that I can. I love running but I know I have to work my way up gradually I always wanted to be a runner and I enjoy it so I'm trying hard to reach my goal. I'm going to start school next month I'm taking classes to be a Nurse and It will be hard but I know that I can not neglect my workout's. I m doing this to be healthy and in November I want to go see my sister that I have not seen in 1 year and would like to surprise her with my weight loss and feel good at my Grandmother's anniversary in Nov. So I'm excited for my new journey to become more healthy and active. :happy:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    GREAT JOB TEAM GREEN! Even though we did not win...we still were one of the TOP THREE teams!!! Slow and steady wins the race! We did, however, loose a member. We are down to 8.

    I ran the Warrior Dash NY on Saturday. Was such a blast! One of the most fun Mud Runs. I did all 12 obstacles and ran most* of the 3.2mi...there was about a half mile where you were running UP a mountain where I struggled. What really killed my time was the waiting I had to do in order to have my turn at the obstacles. My time was 48min. If I didn't have to wait at all the obstacles, I definitely could have done it in under 40min easy. Not bad for a 30 year old with a bum knee! Next year I'll be even better!

    I did 3mi cardio yesterday (1.5 on treadmill, 1.2 on elliptical)...I am going to try and KEEP my 10mile goal each week...who knows. Maybe I will up it!
    I LOVE the Warrior Dash! I did it last year in 45 minutes. I'm hoping for better this time. Have you looked at the overall stats. It really is an ego booster to see where you place. I was 99 out of 1610 women in my age category! I definately didn't feel like I was doing anything amazing while I was running but to see how well I placed is huge motivation to do better next year. Speaking of Warrior Dash, I am signed up to be a St. Jude Warrior. I need help raising money for the charity. Here is the link to my donation page. Nothing is too small to help the kids. Please feel free to share the link with anyone you know that might want to help and if you have any ideas of other fundraising options please let me know.
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    I Just want to take this time to tell everyone on our green team GREAT JOB! I also wanted to take this time to introduce myself. I am a mother of 3 young boy's 12 , 9, and 6 year's old I love my boy's. After having the 1st two boy's my weight went back to I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant I went to 180lbs on all 3 of my pregnancies but after the 3rd my weight went down to 170lbs and after that I have been slowly creeping up. Its hard to lose but I must say I have not been really trying to lose weight. I always tell myself I will start Monday but now I know that I can do this and at this point in my life I feel like I owe it to myself to fell good about my weight again. I want to take care of me better. I have always been putting other's before me but before I can give other's my best I need to work on me. I want to be able to have more energy. I have been taking care of what we eat eating healthy stuff and including my kids to teach them that healthy food are good they love it. I do not have a hard time getting them to eat veggies they love salads. This has helped me a lot, My long time goal is to run in a 5k and I want to do it in Sep I'm training to be able to do it and I hope that I can. I love running but I know I have to work my way up gradually I always wanted to be a runner and I enjoy it so I'm trying hard to reach my goal. I'm going to start school next month I'm taking classes to be a Nurse and It will be hard but I know that I can not neglect my workout's. I m doing this to be healthy and in November I want to go see my sister that I have not seen in 1 year and would like to surprise her with my weight loss and feel good at my Grandmother's anniversary in Nov. So I'm excited for my new journey to become more healthy and active. :happy:

    Welcome to Team Green's Pow-Pow room! I am in the "I HATE running" camp. I do it because I know that it's good for me. You LIKING to run is half the battle. Start slow. I did a "Run 30s, Walk 4min 30sec" plan where I worked up to running for 45min non stop. Just go slow and steady. C25K programs are GREAT too!
  • Charlottepebody1982
    Charlottepebody1982 Posts: 13 Member

    Great effort and well done on the warrier dash. I have just completed my first run in 4 weeks a lot slower than I usually am but 2.2miles in 46 mins and my proudest moment was I did the whole thing with my mouth shut!

    I have always ran with my mouth open but now tonsils removed I have discovered the art of running and breathing with mouth closed.. cue a better intake of O2 and less tierd and no hypoventilating and flies in mouth.. this was why I was slower today I think, concentrating on breathing.

    I have been doing the NHS couch to 5k and its all interval running 30s run 3 min walk etc and then gradually you build it up.. week 6 im now running 10 mins non stop with a 5 min warm up and a 3 min walk between 10 min runs. You will get there, I feel so much better for doing it and it is a mental journey.. I tell myself I can run a little bit more and push myself.

    Eating wise this week, ive certainly eaten more I just need to now manage each meal and plan a bit better. still drinking loads of water.

    Itll soon be another weigh in.
    Well done team xx
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Charlotte, funny you mention the breathing thing cause I just noticed it yesterday myself. I start out my run mouth closed but as I start to get tired my jaw drops. I ran 5k yesterday and it wasn't until the last mile or so that I had to start pushing. Its been a while since i've ran that far. It felt really good though and set my day off with a great start.

    Looks like I might finally have some sort of a set schedule now at my new job which will definitely help to get me back on board with a regular workout routine. I've got to figure out meal plans too though cause I'm working 11am to 8pm, straight through lunch and dinnerohwell I'm gonna try to get up and stay up with my husband in the morning to help give me more hours of the day to work with. He gets up any where between 3 and 6am though and I have never been a morning person. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do though, right?!
  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    I'm gonna try to get up and stay up with my husband in the morning to help give me more hours of the day to work with. He gets up any where between 3 and 6am though and I have never been a morning person. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do though, right?!

    I hear you! I get up at 4:30 every morning and make mine his lunch for work. I SHOULD try and make the gym first thing in the AM but you're lucky if I get 15min in on my own elliptical!

    Almost weigh in time...and I worry that I won't contribute much to the number this week....good thing that the weigh in is the night BEFORE I am going out for an "Un-Bachelorette" party (My girlfriend has been Married for 20 years and is renewing her vows in Vegas...she never had a bachelorette party...we are making up for it!)

    My food has been on for the most part. I eat the same things every day for breakfast and lunch for the most part, so that helps.

    Rock on ladies!
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sorry guys, My days in NYC, coupled with my period saw a substantial gain this week of 5.6 lbs! :grumble: Next week will be better but unfortunately I still can't workout. Saw my doctor today and it turns out I have a torn muscle in my back. It'll take 6 weeks to heal.
  • Charlottepebody1982
    Charlottepebody1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Ladies

    well despite my exercise, eating well and being 100% on it, I have maintained this week. Feeling a bit pants about it but I have drank less water this week and as its the first week since surgery I have been eating 3 meals a day im putting it down to that. body correcting itself and all.

    Back on it again today... im doing 1000 press up and 100miles challenge for august if anyone wants to join me.. not sure I will run the miles but ill give it a go.

    Yesterday (Friday) I did the following

    35 press-ups
    30 sit ups
    20 leg raises
    20 side leg raises
    30 hip raises

    I can certainly feel it in my arms today.. I did most of them inbetween commercial breaks.
    Good luck for weigh in ladies and for this next coming week. I will be drinking lots of water this week, see if it boosts the weight loss again.

  • SamSal02
    SamSal02 Posts: 85
    Have to give my apologies. Friday and Saturday was my Girlfriend's "Re-Bachelorette" party...and I missed my first weigh in. I did not gain or lose...exactly the same, so it would not have swayed the results in any particular direction...but still...

    Back on the Horse today! I am looking to log a few miles on the treadmill...Although, I am experiencing my first case ever of "Runner's Toe"...common in people who fun long distances or trail run (Hello Warrior Dash). I spent last week committing an "Office No-NO" and wore flip flops to work because my big toes are completely bruised under the nail. It looks worse now, but not as painful. Guess this is a good time to get a pedicure with a nice DARK polish...

    Tomorrow I'll be back in my BodyPump class.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    HELP! I need cabbage recipes! Who knew when you cut off the first head SIX more would grow back!!!:noway:
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Don't forget to weigh in everyone!
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Traveling vacations are officially over for the summer so hopefully I'll be getting back into a decent workout routine. I'm on week 5 of 6 non-workout weeks due to my back injury, but I started taking short 1/2 hour walks with my dog as of yesterday and today. I'm hoping to be able to start bootcamp again at the beginning of September. At this point I'm not sure if the minor aches are due to my back not being used, like it usually is, or still from the muscle tear. Last week of vacation so I'll keep walking and hope for the best.