
hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
When you want to use the stopwatch, does it need to be connected to Bluetooth? I only ask because I'd love to time my group class workouts, but would prefer not to have my phone on me.

That, and does anyone else struggle knowing whether or not the stopwatch has started?


  • I leave my blue tooth off most of the day to save battery life on my phone. You can use the stop watch function without blue tooth connection. It'll just upload to your app when you turn it back on. It should vibrate and show the sun light when it starts.
  • emmsiez
    emmsiez Posts: 6 Member
    I too struggle with knowing whether the stop watch has started/stopped. The little lights that come on flash a certain number of times and it vibrates a different number of times, depending on what mode its in, but its super confusing, especially in the midst of workout.