New to the Group- Hello!

youkneeque Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Zalika and I am doing my 2nd half marathon in October. I did the PF Chang's half at the beginning of this year in Jan. I will be doing the Rock and Roll Marathon in 3 months in Los Angeles and I am so not ready.

So far I can run about 4 miles in an hour. I would like to shoot for a finish time under the 3 hour mark. That would be awesome!

Does anyone have any tips on training healthy eating habits? Especially tips on avoiding bad foods. I am allergic to gluten but haven been indulging (with the assistance of Benadryl) over the past month. It's really catching up
To me...

Do any of you have upcoming marathons??

Hope all is well :)



  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your first 1/2!!

    Training tips: I am assuming for a faster time? I have not used it much but have a friend who has with success: Have you tried the MAF formula? She swears by it.

    Nutrition: Avoiding bad foods normally I am good with this but this past week I have been eating like crap to be honest. I usually follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time healthy and 20% I can "cheat". I am a chocoholic. So I try to keep dark chocolate on hand and have a small square as a treat and it usually nips it in the bud,

    I just put together with the help of nutritionist several meals plans for eating healthy that I give away to my challengers. The biggest thing I can say is try to kill the sweet tooth with fruits, etc with natural sugar in them. Are you following your settings for carb/fat/protein ratios? How is that going?
  • amyjeanw84
    amyjeanw84 Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats on your first 1/2!! I am running my first half in November :-D. I am also interested in eating tips but mostly hydration tips. I typically try to drink 2 liters a day but still get dehydrated. My blood pressure gets really low too. Any tips would be well appreciated??