Energy needed to weight train

mg1147 Posts: 11 Member
Hi Ladies,

I am trying to start weight training and I find that I sometimes lack the energy I need. I was curious if any of you use any pre-workout supplements, and if you do, which? Have they made a difference? I'd love to hear any recommendations.



  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    I haven't been taking it but the health supplement stores
    carry a liquid for of L-carnitine. I traded using it for bumping
    my food proteins up some. Maybe you'll get better answers
    from others.Good luck on the energy! :)
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    If you're having trouble finding the motivation and energy to get into the weight room, a pre-workout is probably not the best way to go. Pre-workouts are great for helping you get in the last few reps or finishing out your last set strong but don't help too much with the get-up-and-go. They're also great for giving you really expensive pee :laugh: - like vitamins, they're mostly worthless UNLESS your diet is already super-tight and you're training consistently IMHO.

    Maybe you could try working out at a different time of day? I have found that I am too pooped to do anything but slog out some time on the elliptical after work. Because of this, I do my lifting in the morning. The best time of day to workout is whenever you're most likely to do it! Adequate hydration and nutrition timing may also be a culprit so make sure you're drinking enough water and having a snack with some carbs 30-60 minutes before your workout (if not lifting in the morning).

    That said, I'm occasionally use Musclepharm Assult. I typically use it when I have a maximal workout planned. It's gross, I'm just trying to finish up the tub I bought before I try another brand that doesn't leave me gagging all the way to the gym. I can't say I get a noticeable energy boost from it by feeling but I do see a difference in my workouts. I also get that beta-alanine tingly feeling that lets me know it's doing something in there!
  • Banana891
    Banana891 Posts: 5
    I've taken Craze before and I liked it. C4 is also pretty good. I'm currently taking C & D Blueprint, from new dawn nutrition. I personally would stay away from MP Assault. All it did was make me super bloated. It also upset my stomach. And it didn't work very well. Their scoops are pretty big too. Yuck! It may very from person to person though. I didn't like it. Pre work out is the ONLY thing that has kept me going. I do house keeping, so by the time I'm home, I'm pretty tired. Taking it wakes me right back up. In my opinion, it makes a huge difference. I can't live without it. Lol I probably shouldn't be taking it as much as I do, but I really find that it helps. Im trying to ease off of it because i think its becoming addicting. I would give it a try. Ease into it and see how it affects your work out. Just don't take it everyday and become dependent on it.
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    I'm taking a fat burner purely for the caffeine content (so that I don't have to get the cals and artificial sweeteners from coffee). I definitely notice a difference in energy levels when I don't take it. It helps a lot! And you don't have to deal with the nasty tastes and bloating that some preworkouts can leave you with.

    I have noticed recently though that I'm having a hard time getting really really STRONG feeling days where I'm hitting my PB's on a lot of things. Personally, I think it's because I tend to eat pretty low carb. Also, I despise working out with anything in my stomach. So I usually workout 5 hours or so after lunch. This could have something to do with it.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    An espresso usually sorts me out!
  • mg1147
    mg1147 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the info, ladies!! I have a high caffeine tolerance so I wish that all I needed was just a shot of espresso! :)

    I'm going to try going first thing in the mornings and will head over to the store this week to try C4 like Banana891 suggested. Hopefully this will help some.

    Thank you all!
  • PinkToes71
    PinkToes71 Posts: 4 Member
    I am no expert in all this, but I did want to throw out there that if your calories are super low, you might not have enough energy either. Hate to see you go out and buy something when just upping your calories a bit might make a difference. You didn't say what your situation is, but I'm just assuming you are cutting calories since a lot of people use this site for that reason ;)

    I'm just now trying out slightly higher calories because in the past I don't feel like I'm getting stronger--especially with push ups. It is taking a leap of faith for me to do it! I think I have been eating below my BMR once I factor in my exercise, which means my body doesn't have what it needs to even function in a comatose state much less increase my strength or give me energy for anything outside of breathing. Or at least that is what I've been reading is true!

    Like I said, no expert here. I've been out of regular exercise for awhile and just started back up. I probably should have just kept to myself, but since you are new to lifting I thought I'd just make a suggestion. Best of luck!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I am no expert in all this, but I did want to throw out there that if your calories are super low, you might not have enough energy either. Hate to see you go out and buy something when just upping your calories a bit might make a difference. You didn't say what your situation is, but I'm just assuming you are cutting calories since a lot of people use this site for that reason ;)

    I was wondering the same thing. If you're just too tired to lift don't use a band aid solution like supplements. It could be low calories, low iron, lack of sleep, etc - I'm just guessing here.

    Most pre-workout supplements are full of caffeine anhydrous. If you have a high tolerance for caffeine you'd just be wasting your $.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Coffee awesome go to Most supplements are just that! Keep in moind low calories or carbs could also affect energy.
  • kiarafitjourney
    kiarafitjourney Posts: 33 Member
    do you tire yourself before lifting? (like doing cardio before) because sure it will affect your energy,
    and if you didn't maybe you could review your food, probably you eating too few?
    because eating too few is also bad for your muscle and it will shrink it.
  • I am no expert in all this, but I did want to throw out there that if your calories are super low, you might not have enough energy either. Hate to see you go out and buy something when just upping your calories a bit might make a difference. You didn't say what your situation is, but I'm just assuming you are cutting calories since a lot of people use this site for that reason ;)

    I was wondering the same thing. If you're just too tired to lift don't use a band aid solution like supplements. It could be low calories, low iron, lack of sleep, etc - I'm just guessing here.

    Most pre-workout supplements are full of caffeine anhydrous. If you have a high tolerance for caffeine you'd just be wasting your $.

    I agree, your intake may be the culprit. I think supplements are great, but only if you are already eating the right things at the right times in the right amounts. Good luck!!
  • I just drink coffee (: