Check In! July 31st

Let's try to do a daily check in. We can discuss where we are and what we need to accomplish.

I walked yesterday but then my IBS kicked in and I felt awful for a good part of the day.

Had Japanese take-out yesterday but only ate half my normal portion.

Snuck one bite of cake... payed for it with the IBS flare-up... lol

I got in all my water though, but I need to drink more today... I didn't drink my 2 glasses when I woke up.


  • Mandrey072009
    Mandrey072009 Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning!

    Good Job!! @vgates81 - I need to drink more water too.

    Well, yesterday went alright. I went out to lunch with a friend to firehouse subs for the first time. Really like the sandwich but not happy with the choices on sides. All they had was chips or sweets and they had no low fat chips at all. So I was good and didn't get any. My weakness was when I got home from work. I cleaned out my spare room which has a ton of stuff from my wedding a few weeks ago. I had a candy buffet and I have TONS of candy left over. I found myself eating some of it and like 4 pieces in realized what I just did. But overall it was an ok day. Haven't gotten in a routine of working out yet. I really need to do that.

  • vgates81
    vgates81 Posts: 15
    Amanda- I bet the wedding was awesome, a candy buffet sounds like a lot of fun! If your hubby wont eat it I would give it away or just throw it out. I know that if it is in my house and I get strong cravings I will eat it. I'm bad that way to be honest.

    If hubby wants it put it in your most inconvenient cabinet out of sight of regular meal options. This is what I do with any treats I get usually. For me.. this is the cabinet above my fridge.. it's harder to reach unless I get a chair which constitutes more thinking about what I am about to eat. :p
  • Good morning! I'm a week and a half into my new routine. I'm starting out with exercise and adding in better eating into my daily life. I've done so many diets that only work for a little while or that were a complete waste of time that I am trying the no diet lifestyle. I'm exercising daily and keeping up with my calorie count on MFP. So far I have not gone over my calorie intake and I feel satisfied and full. I'm not starving or obsessing over food like I've done on past diets.

    Has anyone tried the Skinny Cow sweets? I think they are great and tasty! My favorite is the ice cream sandwiches. It takes care of my sweet cravings. :D
  • vgates81
    vgates81 Posts: 15
    Hey crenspirit,

    I think being on a "diet" is a bad idea, I agree with you. Watching portions and calories and staying away from junk food in general is key. Plus regular movement of course.

    Skinny cow has some really good ice cream actually. I wish my IBS/lactose intolerance allowed for them, I love ice cream.
  • Hello All,

    I'm just a couple of days into my new way of eating/thinking and it's been pretty good so far. I am eating a ton of watermelon for breakfast, lots of homemade pico and toasted sourdough for lunch (I'm on overload tomatoes from my garden) and am snacking on roasted broccoli. Soon I will have lot's 'o cucumbers... yum. For dinner I'm eating a salad with extra sharp cheddar and either grilled chicken or salmon. It doesn't sound like a food plan that I would normally like, but it's Delicious! I haven't implemented a new work out - just walking my dogs and gardening as usual. I'm down a pound each day with this, so I'm Not complaining :smile:
  • Test: to see if my ticker shows up! Oh well - I'll figure it out eventually:noway:
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm just getting back into the swing of things. I was doing really well until I was on vacation for a week at the lake, then came home to 2 long weeks of craziness at work and then the state fair was last week so we had to go a couple of days. I paid for it on the scale this week with a 3 lb gain :grumble:

    Today has been ruff I had meetings with breakfast and lunch today. I was horrible for both: breakfast was hash browns, fruit and a cappuccino, then for lunch had a coke (reg not diet) and crescent sandwich and then to finish it off a chocolate chip cookie. I did skip the pasta salad and chips that was with it. I just feel awkward walking into a big meeting and bringing my own food. It doesn't help that I am running the meetings so everyone is watching me. I'm gong to make up for it by taking the kids to the zoo tonight. nothing like pushing a double stroller for a few hours to burn some calories off lol.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    @maryann - I am so jealous of our fresh garden. I am hitting the farmers market this weekend to stock up.

    @ vages - I don't know if cool whip gives you issues, but I used to freeze cool whip between chocolate graham crackers and it was a really good frozen snack. A lot like a ice-cream sandwich but way less calories.
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    I started my day at 5:30 with the workout program I am currently doing. It is a 60 day program and I am in my fifth week. This is the longest I have ever stuck with any program so I have to give myself a pat on the back. As far as food, I could do better but I don't do all that bad. This week I started paying much more attention to what I am "really" eating instead of estimating. I am bad about tasting things while cooking and read how that can easily add up to a good bit of calories. In my introduction I mentioned that my food weakness if pasta...well last night I prepared spagetti for dinner but was a good girl and measured the pasta before I put it on my plate. I hated doing it but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!!

    I have a garden too Maryann so I know what you mean by being overloaded with tomatoes but boy oh boy, nothing like fresh veggies from the garden!!
  • lmgnz
    lmgnz Posts: 7
    Great reading all the comments. Sounds like everyone is making changes & progress; very motivational.

    I've done OK this week. I'm really bad at making my lunches/dinners which results in eating out a lot. This week I've not eaten out once; I had a few near misses when I was tempted to leave my lunch in the work fridge and get something bad for me but I resisted. My wallet has noticed the difference as well!

    I'm also getting into the habit of drinking a big glass of warm water with apple cider vinegar & honey in the mornings. I think I'm actually getting to like the taste of it. And I've stuck to diet soda when I have one (that's a big struggle for me).

    I've not gotten to the gym this week (sigh) but I'm walking at least an hour a day (to/from/around work) and hitting my fitbit goal.

    I've noticed a boost in my energy levels and I'm feeling less 'bloated' and icky. Next week's goal - get my butt to the gym!
  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    HEY HEY!
    Super excited! =]

    Trying hard to eat better smaller meals! It is so hard though.