Thoughts on today's workout



  • MommaRaven
    MommaRaven Posts: 23 Member
    Pure Cardio


    Excuse me while I go die in the corner now.
  • Lou_Darling93
    That. That is exactly how I felt.
  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    Gah! I have pure cardio today. I'm getting scared. Just focus, just focus. And breathe And wait for the peace, love, out.
  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    Pure Cardio done. Stick me with a fork and turn off the oven because I. AM. DONE.
  • penwah89
    penwah89 Posts: 13
    We actually decided to start our week on a Tuesday instead of Monday as Mondays our kids go to daycare so we can have a proper day off!
    We're on day 13 now, but today I'm sick so instead of a day off tomorrow we'll do today's workout tomorrow.
  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    Just finished Plyo. Got to where he started the jabs and thought, "I don't remember these." That's because I stopped at 30 minutes last time. Made it though and then realized a second thing. When I stopped that first time, I didn't fast forward to the stretches. That's probably why my calves hurt so bad.

    Feel much better about the workout today.

    I had my doubts when it was said that this round felt easier, but I found the same to be true. Tomorrow is my day off and I can honestly say I am looking forward to it. But also strangely looking forward to Tuesday. I guess Insanity is contagious...
  • Lou_Darling93
    Sick today. So going to take it off, and do cardio power on the recovery day instead. Two days of it in a row... EEP. Scary.
  • MommaRaven
    MommaRaven Posts: 23 Member
    Rest day. Woot. Looking forward to tomorrow, though :)
  • nznat0106
    nznat0106 Posts: 2 Member
    Day 2 done. Wow that was tough. Made it through though. Did my fit test yesterday and surprised myself. It's the core strength / plank position stuff that I am going to really struggle with. Had back surgery 9 years ago and I never really got the strength back. Purely through lack of effort on my part though. Also have a shoulder that likes to "move around" a bit. Am pumped for the journey though and figure that as long as I keep good form I am doing the body good. Hope everyone else has a great day!
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Day off today, but will do a lot of walking around today.
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Day 29 - Core cardio and balance

    This was day one of doing this. I like this work out. When you hear recovery week, this wouldn't come to mind though :)
    I felt great after doing the work out

    Keep pushing play people :)
  • penwah89
    penwah89 Posts: 13
    Last night I did my first Pure cardio AND cardio abs. OMG... some of those moves I can't actually physically do!!! But was stoked when I checked out my watch afterwards and saw I had burned 554cal doing the workout :) my heart got to around 175bpm!
  • MommaRaven
    MommaRaven Posts: 23 Member
    Today was my second time doing Pure Cardio. I found I didn't have to take as many breaks today! I'm so proud of myself, and I can tell my endurance and strength are already getting better, even after just 1 week. There workouts are tough, but they will be SO WORTH IT in the end!
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Day 36 completed - Max interval circuit

    This was the 1st day of month 2

    I took more breaks than they did, I couldn't keep up with what they were doing, some moves I couldn't even do myself, but I didn't''t give up, I pushed through to the very end... Even after the first 10 minutes I was thinking what did I get myself into. I did enjoy the work out though and I think the more days that pass I will get better and stronger :)
  • roserosey1993
    roserosey1993 Posts: 21 Member
    Today I did Pure Cardio, this will only be Day 5 for me in the program, but I have seen some self improvement. Normally I would have to take 5-10secs rest shake it out twice throughout the warm up even, and today just powered right through it all. I feel stronger and I have better energy. But, the Insanity program isn't the only thing I do, also still attend the gym 3-4 times out the week.

    Have any of you guys seen some self improvement you noticed? Also, another thought, since starting this work out program, I feel hungry constantly, I'm not sure if it's because I'm burning so many calories or the vigorous activity. If anyone else has experienced this or any info. I would love to hear about it. (:
  • roserosey1993
    roserosey1993 Posts: 21 Member
    @MommaRaven I did pure cardio today as well! Experienced the same thing! I didnt need as many breaks as normal. Normally If I have to do a break no more than 10 secs. and get back in. Today I felt stronger and I felt energized thats for sure. (: So congrats! because any improvement w/ this program is a victory for sure.
  • Aoifeberenger
    How is every body doing? I have been sick for 2 weeks and just starting back into Insanity last week. I am finding it hard to motivate myself to log my food every day, but still am feeling good about where I am heading. I am feeling the need to get motivated though as I am heading into 4 weeks @ it. Anyone else feeling the same?
  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    I've got some ongoing issues with my neck discs, so unfortunately I am out of Insanity for at least the near term. I see a doc on Thursday and depending on what he says, I may be out of impact cardio for the long term. Good luck to all of you and keep going.
  • penwah89
    penwah89 Posts: 13
    I just started month 2.
    I'm glad recovery week is over. Doing the same workout 6 days in a row was tough.
    But doing the fit test, then another workout straight after killed me!!!! That was ridiculous.
    Also I think I have separated abdominal muscles. Hopefully not, but I'll be getting that checked out next week,