August challenge week 1

howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
OK here we go! Good Luck!


  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    A Happy Friday and Happy August Folks! 1 of 31 chances to to be better at being you lies before you. How you gonna handle this opportunity?
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning on this fine foggy day in South Missouri.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm going to pull up my boot straps and dive in! My goal for this month is to get well into the 280s and as far away from 300 as possible. I really want to hit 289 this month and also 290 which will put me back at 200 lbs lost.

    No loss this week after a 6 lb loss last week, I guess that is to be expected. In all reality I am really surprised after the way I ate in July that I am even under 300 at this point.

    Good luck everyone, I look forward to seeing all the post and keeping track of who has been here.
  • Staaz
    Staaz Posts: 15 Member
    Greetings from Ohio. This seems like a great way to have a good, clean August. Today is a push movement day for me. Ive been doing a 3 day split for the past 6 weeks and it seems to be working well. Hopefully i'm still seeing progress by August 31st. Good luck to everyone on their August goals.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Wow, have a couple of early risers in group - Good morning everyone!

    Yesterday was a great day for me, even with my "cheat meal" (hate calling it that... but it's *supposed* to be my one indulgent meal during the week!). Stuck to the Paleo menu plan during the day and didn't snack in the evening. Yea me!

    Tonight will be challenging. I volunteered to help at the "carb-loading" dinner for the participants of the 50 mile and 50K Endurance Run. I am bringing some of my own food, so I'm hoping I won't be tempted by the pasta dinner! :tongue:

    And tomorrow I run (okay, quickly hike and occasionally jog) the 23K Endurance Run. I don't think I would have even considered doing this, but after doing the Tough Mudder in June, I feel like I can handle this! :happy:
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Perfect timing on this challenge as I more or less took July off from tracking due to a series of vacation, work, work/pleasure trips. I guess all the vacation activity and such kept me honest because this morning I was at my lowest weight since starting this repair my metabolism, fully embrace the paleo/primal lifestyle journey started last November.

    For August now that I feel I've more or less got my food, sleep and stress management dialed in, I want to add sprints 1-2 days a week and get back to lifting 1-2 days per week while continuing my 10-15k step movement goal per day. Otherwise no formal heavy cardio or efforts to burn calories. Not a fan of the calories in - calories out thing.
  • angelaneale
    angelaneale Posts: 102 Member
    Just checking in for the challenge. Looking for the stream that required just one or two sentences only. Where is it??
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Angela, Carol decided not to limit it to one or two sentences so conversations are even welcome. Check in is on this thread and I will start a new one each week with the same title. I should have added the date to the subject line. I will for next week. I will start a new one every Thursday night for us to start using on the following Friday.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Hey all. Been eating better but completely put off logging... so here goes. Lol, date night tonight so I plan to eat some bad stuff, after that it's back to being strict!
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Hey, all! Let's get started! I began my morning with a bag of chips, and no gym! Not so hot, lol.

    Howie & Carol, are these threads going to replace the "Chat and accountability" for the month of August?
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Yes this will replace but basically be the same thread as the chat and accountability. Only difference is I will be keeping track to see who posted each day.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Okay, great. Thanks Howie.

    I know it's been a while since I've been here, so here's my "Summer Check-in"

    I haven't been doing so great this summer. I gained probably about 10 pounds back, but my wife and I recently decided to start a gym membership. We went consistently for about 2 weeks, but this week, we just kept making excuses. Hopefully, we'll get back on it, tomorrow morning, or even tonight. We usually go in the early morning, before work. It definitely makes me feel more energized through the day, which is awesome. Even the day that I only slept for about 3 hours, I didn't feel run down at work. We are starting to get back to our cleaner eating habits, just as soon as this tub of ice cream is gone! ;) lol

    I feel next week will be great, and I will make it so!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Dang, ya'll start early don't you!! Down another pound on the Friday weigh in, so 226 for me. To think, just a few weeks ago I was fighting to get below 230!! Perhaps with the challenge help, I can get below 220 by the end of September :D
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    10 check in's so far, that's a good start and the most I have seen on this thread. :-)
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Here I am!! Great week all! I'm at the pool! Carb loading. Ha!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    For August I just want to lose 4lb. This week so far hasn't been the best but still somewhat decent. I don't expect a loss but I'm fine with it. I'm going to "try" lowering my carb to 20g Next week. We'll see if that'd work better for me.
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    I'm up for this challenge. Keep it up everyone!
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    Skipped happy hour for Costco. All stocked with fresh fruit and veggies. Trying to make healthier choices every day.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Saturday Folks. Lots to do this weekend (as always). Blessed once again with another sunrise, and vertical movement. Hope all is well with all of you.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Hello August 2nd!! Loved reading everyone's positive comments! Costco instead of happy hour Heronh! LOVE IT!!! I guess there are about 10-13 of us who are in it to win it so far! Howie will keep track - THANK YOU HOWIE!
    So I have to REALLY apologize to all of you. I interviewed Ben Greenfield this week. His is so BIG time. Such a wealth of knowledge on biohacking and every cool trick to cutting fat. We even chatted about how his guns and the obstacle runs he is getting into. But my recorder was off!!! Wwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! So sorry. he can't fit me in until November. :(
    So check him out at and if you can, please drop him a line that you'd love to hear the "lost interview" on Fat2FitHQ. I know he thinks I'm a flake. Hope he really reschedules.
    My week has been weird. I'm being instructed not to try diet but not to be crazy. So I'm eating starchy carbs every night. Loving it. Gained back 4 lbs but that is expected. And I had pinacoladas and pancakes this week!!! So not worried about the gain, most should be water. It is my last day of that and I get back to a super strict Ultra Low Carb week with one Carb Nite. I'll do that for a couple more weeks until I'm back down to where I was before Tough Mudder. That is only about 6 lbs from where I weighed in this morning. I think I can safely do that in 2 or 3 weeks.
    Keep up the awesomeness!