
Add me if you like. I am starting my journey tomorrow. And anyone who wants to join the battle together is more than welcome to join. Please send a message on why this is important to you, with you weight loss goal! I hope to only gain weight loss pals! :)


  • Castiel22
    Hi, I'm 22. I started my journey about a month ago. My SW was 220 and my CW is 203.5. My goal weight is to be 125 - 130. I log everyday. I try to stay between 1200 - 1600 calories. Feel free to add me for motivation and support and good luck on your journey.
  • cth22
    cth22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!im Chelsea! I don't know how many times I've started and stopped, does everything the wrong way, and starved for weeks only to balloon up as soon as I eat a real meal again. I need to lose about 80 pounds, and I'd LOVE to be at my goal weight next May.... IM GETTING MARRIED. I don't want to look back at wedding pictures and see what I see in the mirror now. My fiancé and I are working at this together, trying to exercise daily and eat mostly whole foods... But he really only wants to lose about 15 pounds and gain muscle.. So it's hard for me to keep up with him! I need a group of people who are in the same boat I am!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Well... One of the reasons this is important to me is because I've seen a decline in health. Depression got the best of me and I lost a lot of will, desire, and hope. As a result, I gained over 100 pounds and was a couple pounds shy of 360. I no longer cared about myself and hated my very existence. Everything that could have went wrong did and I just simply wanted to give up. Finally, after about 3 years of pure misery I've decided to make some changes in my life. On June 2nd I went to the doctor to develop a plan that might work for me. No more sodas, tea, or coffee. Just water. While what he said was the same old song and dance, I decided I would do this on my own and not one of these fad diets. When I went back on July 2nd I lost 17 pounds. That blew me away. I guess I didn't realize it because I see myself daily and refuse to weigh myself often. Last week, someone asked me if I lost weight. Finally people were noticing and it feels good. While I haven't went back to the doctor yet, it will happen this week (probably Wednesday) and I'll report what happens. For those of you who want to know about me, I'm a male who recently celebrated their 35th birthday on July 23rd. I'm six feet tall and as mentioned before weighed 358 at the start of my journey. Today marks the 60th consecutive day of H2O only which has taken a lot of will and discipline. If there is anything else you would like to know, feel free to send a message or add me. Thanks for your time and let's do this together!
  • cmccall001
    cmccall001 Posts: 8 Member
    It was a total shock a little over a year ago when I first realized I weighed over 200lbs. I had always managed to stay anywhere between 170 and 185 depending on the time of year. In my mid 20’s I made the commitment to get fit and eat right, was down to 156lbs and was feeling fantastic. I had stopped eating meat and made exercise a part of my normal routine. Then I started managing restaurants full time while continuing to bartend on the weekends. Needless to say, I wasn’t eating right and because of the fact that I was incorporating meat into my diet became pretty ill. At the recommendation of my physician I began eating meat again as a means to have at least some protein daily and I just fell off track from there.

    I found MFP at at the recommendation of a friend about a year ago and didn't stick with it but I'm back and motivated to get to my goal weight of 160lbs. I recently made a career change that allows me a normal 9-5 schedule (although I still consult at restaurants occasionally) and recently joined the gym in the building where my office is located for convenience. I'd love to share stories, struggles and successes because I feel like having a support system will help keep me on track. Feel free to add me and reach out for motivation as well.
  • angelofmysoul
    angelofmysoul Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm Megan. I live in a little town in Missouri and when I started using MyFitnessPal, I was 420 lbs. I'm currently working on loosing the weight and can say that I am now at 392 lbs. I have two children, and work hard at remaining active. I'm happy to share and laugh with you as I work my way down. Right now, my goal weight is 180 lbs due to my height and frame. I'm hoping to work with everyone!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hang in there. You will succeed. I believe in you!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    If there is anyone who would like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so. I think it would help build the support system. Thanks.