Monday Aug 4

This morning I decided to add my measurements to the check-in page. Just the neck, waist, and hips for now. I won't check them regularly like I do my weight but on those days when the scales seem stuck in molasses it will be nice to have another measurement to show that I'm making progress.

Has anyone else done the measurement part yet?



  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    I still do my measurements even though mine move slower than my weight does. It would weird me out if I let it, so I just take the measurements from time to time and jot it down, only put it in my check in box when I lose. Which I just took them and alas no change. :sad:
  • I take my measurements, but only for a reference in case the scales get stuck! I had the experience before that the scales showed nothing, but clothes were getting looser so I don't necessarily rely on scales! (Even though I love to see them go down! :wink: )
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    These are the places I measure so that I see a change downward more often.
    Neck, upper bust (above the boobs), bust, rib cage (below bust), waist, abdomen, hips, upper, middle, and lower thighs, calves, upper arms, and deltoids.
    This way I can see changes more easily and not get so discouraged. Sometimes you lose inches but stay the same or gain weight because muscles are heavier than fat.
    You can add all these measurements to MFP.