Clean Eating Part 2

hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
This week was supposed to be my clean eating challenge but after my pizza night and stomach flu, I haven't done very well with it.

I found a two week mostly clean eating plan that I'm going to try for my hubby and I. I've got a plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner along with all the recipes needed. I really like her approach to clean eating. She focuses 80% on clean eating (avoiding: processed foods, artificial colors/flavors/preservatives, refined flours and sugars) and then 20% is real life. Stuff happens and you can find yourself having to eat something that isn't the cleanest.

I'm going to put a grocery list together so tonight we can stock up. Most likely we'll start Sunday.

Time to focus.


  • BlondeButtercup127
    BlondeButtercup127 Posts: 750 Member
    You've got this!!

    :drinker: :happy:
  • RamyunChi
    Super cool! You can do it! I wish I wanted to. lol
  • varula
    varula Posts: 13
    GOOD FOR YOU!! Over the past few years, I've stopped buying processed foods (bye-bye Lean Cuisine), have only an occasional diet soda, and make as much as I can from scratch. I even learned how to can vegetables and fruit! I love having that full pantry of my own work to use in recipes. I also waged war on processed sugar two years ago - a battle I'm winning more lately! That one is a constant struggle.

    I know I could do more, but I also know I'm doing what I can right now. More will come down the road. It's a journey, that's for sure. Too hard to do all at once!

    Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you. Did you say you're following a blog? Want to share the link?

    Maybe we can share some recipes!
  • hollydohrman
    hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
    The blog I've gotten the bulk of my recipes from is