October 10th
Some Friday Humor
October 9th
Today I wanted to share with you my results from Beachbody's 3 day refresh program. I decided to try it to help kick start my weight loss. I am really trying to focus on eating cleaner and I thought this might be a good start. It's a low calorie program - only around 900 calories a day but I never felt hungry. I did…
October 8th
Let me tell you about the day that changed my life. 18 years of age, and I wanna pass this on to you because maybe this day could be that day for you. This single principle, the single concept, totally revolutionized my life. So I went to this seminar, first time ever that I’ve been to a seminar. And the instructor at the…
October 6th
"Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drowned out your inner voice. You've got to find what you love. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found…
October 5th
"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, Surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself."
October 4th
If you've been thinking of yourself as a failure, you can break yourself out of that negative thinking pattern. Look at an area of your life where you have repeatedly failed, and do the following. Examine your expectations for that area. Write them down. Are they realistic? Do you expect to do everything perfectly? Do you…
Oct. 3rd
You will agree; I am sure, that all thinking people have a sincere desire to succeed. You want to win; I want to win. No one sets out to deliberately destroy themselves - although I must admit, at times it certainly appears as if some people do. If everyone wants to win - why don't they? I have come to the conclusion that…
October 1st
Here we are with 3 months left in this year. Let's finish strong. Pick one thing you want to work on. It doesn't have to be a huge thing. Maybe it's drinking more water or not eating out as much. Whatever it is commit to improving in that area over the next 5 days. Share with us what you chose.
Think about the answers to the following... What is it about you that makes you amazing? Likeable? A good person? Driven? Purposeful? And you don’t have to be modest here. The only person you are sharing this with is yourself. Because that’s the one person who needs to hear it.
Reaching your goal - whatever it may be - requires action. Action for Today: Write down an action you want to take that you view as incredible. It doesn't have to be fitness related. It could be something that you have always wanted to do but have been a bit chicken to try. Do it TODAY! Yep, don't wait another day, do it…