Oct. 3rd

hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
You will agree; I am sure, that all thinking people have a sincere desire to succeed. You want to win; I want to win. No one sets out to deliberately destroy themselves - although I must admit, at times it certainly appears as if some people do.

If everyone wants to win - why don't they?
I have come to the conclusion that the answer to success is locked up in a seven letter word - "Believe."

I have found that our belief system is based on our evaluation of something. Frequently when we re-evaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change.

Half of my life was wasted. I never even tried to accomplish anything of importance because I did not believe in myself. The truth was I knew very little about me. When I was encouraged to begin studying and re-evaluating my beliefs. I began to gain an understanding of my marvelous mind. Every day I learned a little more, and with that knowledge came faith and belief in myself. You see ... I learned to believe I could win.

Re-evaluate yourself. There is a sleeping giant in you. Release it.

Believe in yourself.

Bob Proctor


  • wedgeang
    wedgeang Posts: 25 Member
    I definitely need to believe 'I can do it' more myself, thanks for that
  • hollydohrman
    hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
    I struggle with this too. I needed the reminder.