October 4th

hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
If you've been thinking of yourself as a failure, you can break yourself out of that negative thinking pattern. Look at an area of your life where you have repeatedly failed, and do the following.

Examine your expectations for that area. Write them down. Are they realistic? Do you expect to do everything perfectly? Do you expect to succeed on the first try? How many mistakes should you expect to make before you succeed? Adjust your expectations.

Find new ways to do your work. Brainstorm at least twenty new approaches, and then try at least half of them

Focus on your strengths. How can you use your best skills and personal strengths to maximize your effort?

Vow to bounce back. No matter how many times you fall down, pick yourself up and keep going.

Don't wait until you feel positive to move forward. Act your way to feeling good. That's the only way to start thinking more positively about yourself.

John C Maxwell