Gallbladder removal - now what?

cusax Posts: 5 Member
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to keto (4 weeks) and had my gallbladder taken out yesterday. From what I've been reading, it sounds like its most likely the switch to keto that triggered the gallstone inflammation, not the diet itself (I suspect my pregnancies, couple with a life-long attempt at a low fat diet created the stones). I've felt amazing on keto other than this and don't want to stop! Does anyone else have a similar story? Or advice on a diet going forward? I realize I'm only post-op day 1, but I'm also very hungry and would love advice!


  • MikeEnRegalia
    MikeEnRegalia Posts: 110 Member
    When you switch to keto you eat more fat, and if you already have gall stones the increased flow of bile can create a problem - but it's not the ketogenic diet which creates the stones.

    In any case, you should be able to continue the ketogenic diet without a gall bladder. Coconut oil or MCT oil (made from coconut oil) could be helpful here - it does not require bile acid for digestion.

    EDIT: Coconut oil does require bile acid - it's the short- and medium chain triglycerides (MCT) which don't.
  • CooksWithoutARecipe
    Bile is made by your liver and stored in the gall bladder to be released when needed. You still have bile, just less of it at once.

    From the perspective of a nurse who eats keto, I would say experiment with eating small, frequent meals. Your body WILL tell you if you are getting more fat than it can handle at once by having a very upset stomach. Definitely make sure that a bathroom is convenient for 1-2 hours after meals.

    I think you can do it. I have read anecdotal stories from people on r/keto that have. Just go slow and give your body time to adapt. A carb based diet is way worse for your liver in the long run.
  • cusax
    cusax Posts: 5 Member

    EDIT: Coconut oil does require bile acid - it's the short- and medium chain triglycerides (MCT) which don't.

    I've been using coconut oil in a lot of recipes, should I switch? It's still got to be better than veggie or corn oil, which I've completely cut out. Where does one get MCT?
  • cusax
    cusax Posts: 5 Member
    Bile is made by your liver and stored in the gall bladder to be released when needed. You still have bile, just less of it at once.

    From the perspective of a nurse who eats keto, I would say experiment with eating small, frequent meals. Your body WILL tell you if you are getting more fat than it can handle at once by having a very upset stomach. Definitely make sure that a bathroom is convenient for 1-2 hours after meals.

    I think you can do it. I have read anecdotal stories from people on r/keto that have. Just go slow and give your body time to adapt. A carb based diet is way worse for your liver in the long run.

    Thanks so much for this. I had a cheat day for my sisters wedding and the carbs are definitely what triggered the attack, so even after surgery I'm convinced keto is the diet my body needs. I'll see how more frequent, smaller meals work out.

    Should I change my macros as well? I was running 5/20/75.
  • MikeEnRegalia
    MikeEnRegalia Posts: 110 Member

    EDIT: Coconut oil does require bile acid - it's the short- and medium chain triglycerides (MCT) which don't.

    I've been using coconut oil in a lot of recipes, should I switch? It's still got to be better than veggie or corn oil, which I've completely cut out. Where does one get MCT?

    Definitely stick with coconut oil first - MCT oil is expensive, they basically extract the MCTs from coconut oil, so it is coconut oil minus the long chain fatty acids which you do need bile to digest. If you find that coconut oil causes problems, you can still try MCT.
  • cusax
    cusax Posts: 5 Member

    EDIT: Coconut oil does require bile acid - it's the short- and medium chain triglycerides (MCT) which don't.

    I've been using coconut oil in a lot of recipes, should I switch? It's still got to be better than veggie or corn oil, which I've completely cut out. Where does one get MCT?

    Definitely stick with coconut oil first - MCT oil is expensive, they basically extract the MCTs from coconut oil, so it is coconut oil minus the long chain fatty acids which you do need bile to digest. If you find that coconut oil causes problems, you can still try MCT.

  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    Diane Sanfilippo is a well respected Paleo guru. You might want to research her experiences which she has blogged extensively. Good luck.
  • Irisdogg1976
    Irisdogg1976 Posts: 1 Member
    My Gallbladdar was taken 2 years a go and i have had no problem with Keto .. ;-)
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,314 Member
    MCT oil is not recommended by Volek and Phinney so just save some money and stick with the coconut oil. MCT oil, by the way, is available online or at any health food store. A popular brand is by Now foods. All MCT oil is still highly processed so keep that in mind, too. Read Volek & Phinney if you have not yet.
    There are supplements for those without a gallbladder, another Now product is called Super Enzymes and you can also look for things that contain bile salts.