rock and roll 1/2 done!

valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
I know there was alot of talk here about the rock n roll series being a bit of a rip, I didn't sign up for that reason but turned out the Irish athletic club 1/2 marathon championships were run in conjunction so we all got it half price. Happy days.

So yesterday morning I got up at insane o clock to travel to Dublin and run in a cool rock n roll skirt ( all the ladies in our club wore matching skirts) and at the end of it I got a very impressive medal.

Good race, no PB's ( 1 hr 56 mins) but like every other race I learnt something - e.g. don't rely on water stations wear a fuel belt, I ended up running into a shop and buying a bottle of water. And also get my music sorted well before the start of the race.

It is definitely a lovely way to see a city I saw parts of Dublin I had never seen before and the the route was very scenic, I can see why people incorporate races into holidays lots of people had yesterday.

Las Vegas here I come! ( I wish)


  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    I've actually signed up for the Vegas half in November, the boys are going over to Vegas to do Worlds Toughest Mudder so I was going over to support them anyway and realised that the rock and roll half marathon was on at 4:30pm on the Sunday and they finish WTM at 10am on the Sunday (assuming they haven't killed themselves by that point), looking forward to it, got 2 half marathons before then, this will be my 3rd (well 4th if you include the half that I done as part of the full marathon) and last marathon of the year, really looking forward to it. The Edinburgh one got cancelled this year for some reason!!
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    Ah lovely so they can support you after you have supported them, great idea. Will be dying to hear all about it, I'm the same going to finish up my running year in November and probably take a few months off racing before starting back for a few trail half's next year.

    It was a pity Edinburgh was cancelled hopefully they will do it again there next year, if not you should jump over here you would enjoy it!
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    Dublin would be such a great place to run a half! Scenery is sometimes better than a PB for sure. The having to stop and buy water is so crazy! Congrats on your finish. That's a great finish time in my books!
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    Woohooo good job!! I would LOOOOOVE a 1:58!!!

    I am jealous-we had such a fantastic time when we visited Dublin. :drinker:
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Think 6hrs after WTM finishes they may still be in fetal position and in no shape to support us, I know my trainer wants to make the effort to come and see us at the finish line, but after 24hrs of running and obstacles I really feel they would be better just resting instead (but then again neither of them are normal so you never know)!!
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    True they might be a little tired :)

    Yeah I forgot my water bottle, there was no water at the start and it was really hot out so I thought I can run from water station to water station ( I think they were at mile 3, 5, 7 & 10/11) or I can stop grab a bottle and enjoy the race which is what I did. I will know again for future races not to get caught.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    " I ended up running into a shop and buying a bottle of water" - bloody hell!

    Well done on the race and it sounds like you enjoyed it
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    Congrats! I'm doing a R&R half in October (my first half). Good to know about the fuel stations! Don't they have music? I feel like wearing my own ipod would defeat the purpose.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Wow! You had a great time. I so want to finish my next half in under two hours.

    Who doesn't want to run a half in Dublin?