How is this even possible?

nikimathias Posts: 1 Member
I'm looking for advice from people, as my frustration levels are increasing! I'm 41 years old, was diagnosed with Hashimoto's/hypothyroid when I was 21 years old. Been on T4/T3 combination forever.

I've been very physically active, doing 3 Ironmans, dozens of marathons, races, etc.. and weightloss was ALWAYS a struggle.

5 years ago I started doing more CrossFit, more weightlifting, less endurance training. I saw some good weight loss results.

Now about 6 weeks ago I decided to focus much more on weightlifting - I started lifting more regularly: 3x/week and heavier. Really pushed myself. For about 3 weeks, I felt GREAT - great mood, losing weight, more energy. I was SOOO encouraged and optimistic.

And then... 3 weeks ago, it all changed and reversed itself. I've now gained 6 lbs of fat in the past 3 weeks, despite lowered appetite. I'm now at the heaviest I've weighed in 10 years, and my clothes are tighter and I'm very frustrated. I've been tired and moody and don't know what else to do.

I already eat VERY low carb, have cut out all alcohol and gluten. I literally don't know what else to change. I'm just shocked at how suddenly things changed - I was losing weight until I very suddenly gained weight.

Any suggestions? Any other experiences like this?

THANK YOU for your wisdom!


  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    It sounds to me that there might be a food intolerance at play making your AI flare up. Have you ever considered getting a test done to see what foods you are allergic to and/or have an intolerance to that your body attacks?

    It was recommended to my by my Crossfit coach to get this done since I have AI so he can help me fine tune my nutrition program with him. The MRT (mediator release test) is, from what I have learned, considered the gold standard for this type of testing. They use your blood to see how your body reacts to several food proteins and will tell you what your level of reactivity is. It's pricey, but can pay off in the long run. I plan to order this myself probably later this month.

    Here is the website with more information on it:

    And here is where you can order it if you are interested:

    Other than food sensitivities, what other supplements do you take (not including thyroid meds)? Have you had VitD and B12 checked recently? Iron?
  • pennyk54166
    pennyk54166 Posts: 18 Member
    How frustrating!! I am curious to see what others suggest. the only thing I can think of when is the last time you had your levels checked? wish I was more of a help. :(
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    I second RoseTears143 - something threw your body out of a ( relative ) balance. Have you been under lots of stress recently? It always makes me feel worse. Change in meds? New supplement?
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    This exact same thing happened to me, I was in the best shape of my life, everything was awesome... then I hit a brick wall... Hashimoto's ... They told me I was having a thyroid storm.. my Free T3 and Free T4 crashed.. TSH and my autoantibodies went through the roof. I went through my food diary with a fine tooth comb. Nothing could be explained. and my doctors didn't have one for me either. A change in medication, a change from synthetic to natural was suggested. I will slow down. Just make sure that your doctor checks all numbers, not just TSH.
    check out Mary Shomon thyroid page if you haven't been there yet.