Weekly Wednesday check in - August 6th

jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
Just opening up the weekly check-in topic for this week.


  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all,

    I am happy to report that I had a good week this past week.
    I lost a total of 1.7 lbs through significantly increased activity/exercise. :smile:

    I hope you all had a good week as well, everyone is working so hard towards their goals or maintaining.
    I want to thank you all for all the support and encouragement you have been giving me along the way, it truly
    helps to motivate me to "stick to the plan" :happy:

    - JB
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Hi JB

    Nothing much to report here, no weight loss, but clothes are fitting better, so I know things are going in the right direction. Food choices are still good, I don't even think much about what I'm eating as I seem to be "in the groove"

    Had 2 days at the weekend where I had wine and other alcohol, so not so good. Need to nip that in the bud before it takes over again. Had visitors, but still, it is not the way forward.

    Started on a kind of "bodybuilding" routine yesterday. Just to vary things a bit in my training. I need a goal or to focus on something otherwise my workouts get a bit samey.

    Legs are starting to ache today so I'm dreading tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get results in the booty area as it has gone a bit flat now I've lost quite a bit of weight. Still looks OK but could be better.

    Hope you have all had a good week.

    Oh - and well done JB, that's a great result, keep it up.

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Good Morning All:

    Thanks JB for getting us started and congrats on your very encouraging loss, you said last week that you were going to up your effort, and you did, well done indeed.

    Jen, I enjoy reading about your plans with respect to exercise and toning, I am not yet ready for those type of workouts; still trying to get out walking on a regular basis, but it gives me hope for the future when hopefully I get to a similar and great stage! Good job!

    Didn't lose any weight this week, hey, but didn't put any on either. I did eat 'fairly' smartly but like Jen, got into the wine and beer a little too much! Even though I was within my daily calorie goal I did seem to struggle a little this week. I am optimist though as my digital scale only weighs in one pound increments so maybe I will see a drop on Friday at my next weighin!

    One of my behaviour modifications is to only weigh twice a week (yes! I know this is not for everyone :smile: ) but in the past I feel I let that rascally scale sabotage my efforts. I weigh on Fridays and Tuesdays - I like Fridays so it keeps me on track for the weekend! I regress - so anyways, last Friday I was down a pound, so I am hopeful I am 'on the cusp' of losing that pound! No :noway: I will not jump on the scale before Friday, though I must admit I was tempted this morning :laugh:

    Some days I feel summer is a particularly good time to try and lose some weight, easy to get out and move around more, lots more going on and then again, sometimes I feel it is more difficult, more getting out and eating summer type goodies! Ah, Life can be confusing sometimes! Well, off to try some more. Have a wonderful week everyone and thanks for being here, it really helps me - it is all good ! Cheers Marian
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Good morning.
    I'm happy to report that I'm down another 1/2 pound. Might have been a full pound but I ate something salty last night. ???? Held off eating it for 3 days and finally couldn't resist it any longer. The good news is that I didn't go over my calorie goal- I'm still under for every day all last week. ????
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Wow, JB - still going (losing) strong - well done!
    Computers - 1/2 a pound is a terrific loss - especially when you are working on just five pounds. You're so very close :)
    Marian - WTG on not gaining any weight, despite indulging in a few adult treats :wink: I think, though, that every season has its challenges - and (focus on this) benefits to losing weight. Personally - there will be a couple weeks in December that I will hate my scale! I find that I have to weigh every morning to keep on track, accepting that the scale can bounce all over the place. But the pros say weigh once a week, so your twice a week plan is a good compromise.
    Ah, Jen - you're doing so well on your 'getting fit' plan. You go, girl!

    I'm 2 pounds down - that puts me (barely) halfway to goal. Both Rick and I are packing in doctor & dentist appointments (:sick: ) this month since we're changing our health insurance to a high deductible plan effective 9/1. Such fun (not). And it's playing havoc with my 'sneak away to the lake' schedule!

    Have a great week everyone - personally and foodly!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    JB, Computers, and Ker: I can see those pounds floating away! Congrats.

    Jen and Marian: You guys are working hard and will see the results, if not on the scales right away, definitely in the fitting of the clothes! I would love to see your workout, Jen. Marian, I wish I could weigh less, but I have to weigh daily.

    Me, still stuck on 174.5. But, like Marian, I've been having a lot of summer fun. Problem with that is I retain more water and I eat differently (not above my goals, but different stuff).

    Thanks to Marian's bugging me, I did do the resistance bands 4 days out of 5 possible. I decreased reps, but upped my sets today. I'm hoping my daughter might motivate me into some more strength training since she will be going back to gym since her SO is going to be working later with his new job!

    Well, I'm feeling crappy today (and yesterday). But I am going to go out and try to get in a moderate walk before it rains and for what is left of my hour.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Checking in for July 30th — Aug 5th

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Maintained weight
    -- Met hand bike (cranking) goal of 60 minutes for the week
    -- Made major effort in getting the travel trailer ready to roll. smileys-camping-395416.gif

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Be within fat category limit as was over 3-days last week
    -- Continue upper body workout doing yard work and home repairs
    -- Increase pool workouts as only hit 50% of weekly goal piscine.gif

    thumbs-up.gifGood job everyone with weight loss, exercising, and staying on track this week.

    avatar_b1b1dd43cbb9_64.png Mad Eye Moody said it best in 'Happy Potter and the Goblet of Fire' -- “Constant vigilance!”
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Encouraging to see everyone's strategies and experience. Lost 2 pounds this week and back to lowest weight so far on this journey ed for a total loss of 18.2. Most helpful thing for me lately are my precooked dinners. This week I made a pot with tofu, eggplant, black beans, kidney beans, tomatoes,portobello mushrooms, italian sausage -- spiced up with Indian seasonings. Total calories 290. Great to pull one of these or similar choices from freezer and not have to think. This should be a good week as am babysitting GrandDog and will get lots of extra walking
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Just starting again after over a year (or 2) absence - gained everything back plus more so I need this more than ever. I know what I should be doing but sticking with it is the huge problem - but I'm going to try again. Hopefully maybe this time I'll be able to stick with it and not backslide to that 'hate the way I look and is that Really me trying to zip my jeans Again!' :sad:
    I love reading everyone's posts - it helps to know there really are others out there who don't get to eat and drink everything they really would like to. :drinker:
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Ok, just saw that my post has 13 lbs. as the goal to lose which is way wrong - it should be 50. Can anyone tell me how to correct it?
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    oops, never mind about the question I posted. I figured it out which quite amazes me - maybe that means I'll figure this losing weight and keeping it off thing for once.
  • Wow- some great progress this week!

    I'm down another pound. Very slow, but steady. I'll take it. Sticking with the program, didn't miss a day this week (minimum one hour a day of exercise.)

    Welcome to our new friends!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been absent from the Wednesday check-ins. Unfortunately, I haven't lost any additional weight, but I did lose the 2 (plus) pounds that I put on during my vacation.

    On the positive side, I've been increasing my exercises at physical therapy and doing more pool exercising. Next week, I'm scheduled to start upper body exercises at my local gym. Somewhat apprehensive but I have an appointment so I'll go.

    It's nice to read what everyone has been going through. I sympathize with your struggles and elated for you over your successful achievements. Even a small weight loss is a success and great for your morale. For those of you in a rut, consider this as a maintenance phase. You will get through this with the right mind set.

    Happy Trails,

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    You are all doing so well...Congratulations!

    Unfortunately, no changes here.
  • sudofarr
    sudofarr Posts: 18 Member
    I am new to the group but not new to trying to lose weight (sigh!) I just started with MFP last Sunday and I am using the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) and so far it is going pretty well. I have lost a pound so I am on my way to losing the 50 lbs I really need to lose! With the nice summer weather, I am hiking almost every day and today I tried a yoga DVD as well. I wondered if anyone else in the group has used the DASH program and if they had good results with reducing their blood pressure. And, I am sorry to say, I am now suffering from plantar fasciitis. I don't want to give up hiking because my dog and I like it so well. Any suggestions for dealing with this condition!

    Thanks for being there!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hi Sudofarr and welcome :flowerforyou: So glad you joined us, sorry I have no experience with neither DASH nor your foot condition. That being said, I have lots of experience with putting on weight :grumble: Looking forward to getting to know you better. Cheers, Marian
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi to each of you!!

    I am back with the weekly Wednesday check-in. As most of you know July was not a wonderful month for me - but August will be fantastic!!:smooched:

    I did weigh this morning and that will be my new weight. I am very determined that I will have a loss next Wednesday.

    I need to start walking again so that will happen tomorrow morning.

    I am on my way to make sure that scale is going down with the numbers! :smile:

    Hope you each have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Yes Rebamae. Start fresh tomorrow to walk regularly and you can count on me doing it with you. August is going to be our month to lose!

    I wasn't impressed with my loss of 1 lbs last month. I did regular exercise and scrutinized and tweaked my diet. Now it is time to be consistent and persistent. I did buy some garcinia to help curb my appetite. I plan to take the 2 caps before dinner which appears to be my problem meal. My motto is moderation with eating, not restricting what I can have, I can eat bread and desserts, just a serving and not go over my daily calorie goal. Also I will be exercising with gusto but not overdoing it.

    We are facing a couple hurricanes coming towards us. We are prepared so imagine that they will diminish and pass over us fairly quickly - be thinking of us for Thursday night and then Sunday. Hope everyone does well here this week!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Smilesback - I realize we are in different time zones but what time do you usually walk? Maybe we can pretend we are doing this together - that way I can't talk myself out of getting out to walk!
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Sudofarr -- I did DASH for strictly for awhile and it did have a good impact on my BP. My main long term takeaway was to greatly increase my consumption of vegetables -- for instance adding a 1/2 cup to egg white omelet, or adding steamed veggies to salads. If I am not in a situation where I can count calories at all, I will sometimes switch to DASH. I believe it to be a well recommended diet.

    I know a bit about my own plantar fascitis having had several bouts, including one that left me walking with a cane for 6 months. Stretching the achilles heel is very helpful. You can stand on a step and drop your heel for an easy stretch. Some people sleep with a splint or a special sock that keeps the foot flexed at nite. I haven't tried that. I have a little foot roller, its has sets of big beads that move when you roll your foot over. I found it on a yoga website, and I think I've seen them in drug stores. Find this very helpful. No high heels, bare feet, flip flops ..... Shoe cushion inserts may give you some immediate relief, but not necessarily great in long run. I also got cushion sole running shoes, which are somewhat awkward, but got me on my feet. I went to a podiatrist for this who sent me to a Physical Therapist, who was awesome. Now I start foot rolling, stretching and PT exercises as soon as foot starts acting up, and have avoid major problems for a few years. Knock on Wood. YMMV. Good luck!