Calorie Goal??



  • MinaValkyrie
    MinaValkyrie Posts: 9 Member
    While "Starvation mode" does indeed seem like a myth, it is possible to put on weight when you're not eating for other reasons. I only know this from personal experience - when I was in my junior year of college, I had a job, and 5 classes, and tons of homework so I barely ate since there was hardly time and I couldn't really afford it (free pizza Thursdays saved me!). I was walking to college (30 mins one way) every day to and from to save on gas so I could get to work to pay for my living situation and college. In that one year, I gained 20 lbs from not eating and stressing and not sleeping and just in general bad health. The walking didn't save me at all.

    Just sharing for others to be aware that even if you're not eating (or starving) you can still gain weight according to that theory if there are other factors. I've also been really sick and unable to eat and literally felt like I was starving, and I lost a ton of weight. I think it needs to be the stress/no sleep/no eating/crap combo that induces weight gain, not just not eating by itself. I caveat that everyone is different and this was just my experience so YMMV.
  • esthergrub
    esthergrub Posts: 12 Member
    When I was actively losing weight, my calorie goal was 1330. Technically I'm at my goal weight, but I still don't feel all that secure in it yet. Also, my main goal is to reduce my body fat percentage, so that throws another monkey wrench into the mix. I'm working with a trainer/nutrition counselor, and he has me taking in 1700-1900 calories now. So far, still holding at 111....
  • dlcoaching
    dlcoaching Posts: 218 Member
    When I was actively losing weight, my calorie goal was 1330. Technically I'm at my goal weight, but I still don't feel all that secure in it yet. Also, my main goal is to reduce my body fat percentage, so that throws another monkey wrench into the mix. I'm working with a trainer/nutrition counselor, and he has me taking in 1700-1900 calories now. So far, still holding at 111....

    If am intrigued by your increase in calories and succeeding in maintaining your weight loss. Could you tell me more about how you do this, please ?

  • 5ksg
    5ksg Posts: 1
    Hello! I'm new here. I don't exactly fit the "last 10 lbs" group since I'm 5' 2" at 165 lbs. My goal weight is 135 lbs with a lot of muscle. However, my calorie goal is 1200, like a lot of you. I go up to 1500 a few days a week, though, since I don't think it hurts and especially when I'm trying to up my protein intake and I'm working out everyday. Does anyone else here do SL5x5? How's it going for you (esp if you're doing it on a cut)?
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! I'm new here. I don't exactly fit the "last 10 lbs" group since I'm 5' 2" at 165 lbs. My goal weight is 135 lbs with a lot of muscle. However, my calorie goal is 1200, like a lot of you. I go up to 1500 a few days a week, though, since I don't think it hurts and especially when I'm trying to up my protein intake and I'm working out everyday. Does anyone else here do SL5x5? How's it going for you (esp if you're doing it on a cut)?

    Welcome, welcome! I believe our very own changsofa does SL5x5. Personally, I do PPL with the big 3 lifts split over those three days. I eat at a deficit. In the beginning, I had great noob gains. Now it's just chugging along slowly. I'm sure it's because I'm not eating enough to give my muscles the energy it needs to grow, but I'm not too concerned at the moment.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Cannot respond to this question, according to the MFP Terms Of Service. Sorry!
  • zavrrr
    zavrrr Posts: 27 Member
    updating my goals today...I was at 1575, going down to 1350 + some extra on workout days.

    I had my TDEE calculated to include working out, and not eating exercise calories back. But, i'm just not feeling consistent enough in the amount/quality of exercise i'm getting, so i decided to recalculate TDEE with a sedentary level, and then just use judgement on when/how much to eat back exercise calories.

    I'm going to start lifting soon (paid for some sessions with a trainer, just waiting to get matched!) so I know I will definitely eat a bit more on those days, but I'd love feedback on how much. I was thinking 200-300?

    For yoga, cardio or "staying active" type things, I'll probably try not to eat much of anything back unless it was particularly vigorous.

    Thoughts? Thanks, ladies =)
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Looks like I can this thread after all, as it is in a group forum, not the main forums. I lost my 10 vanity pounds, from 121 to 111 (I am 5' 3 1/2") in 25 days by staying under 700 calories, with no exercise.