New Stomache

It seems that when I eat real food, ie turkey burgers, chicken, mashed potatoes
It hits my Stomache hard but when I eat cookies, chips, mini candy bars (Yes I had a relapse)
I can eat with no problem and can eat a lot of the junk with no problem.

Please comment if you can


  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Judy, first, it is OMG early here so my filters may not be as fine tuned as they should be. I hope this makes sense.

    For your question. I find that "real" food as you describe hit my stomach hard in two ways. 1) I am taking too large bites and not chewing well enough or 2) The meat is overcooked. The latter is the worst for me and I think most others that have had the sleeve from the comments I've seen on here in the last year.

    Mashed potatoes causing a problem I haven't heard about. I know my surgeon warned me away from them just like the other items you list that you have relapsed on. They are slick, slide down very easily and you fill up on starch rather than the protein we are supposed to be taking in at the highest levels.

    On your relapse, get that stuff out of your life! You have lost 27 pounds, and from your ticker it looks like you are below 200 lbs (envy radiating here) that is a GREAT thing! You took such a drastic step to help get yourself fit. Please don't throw it away! If you haven't talked to an eating disorder therapist, or at the very least someone in your surgeons office, you need to do that. I may be projecting my own problems here, but if there is an underlying reason why you started on that junk, go talk to some one about it instead of eating it.

    If you have it because of kids in the house, put it on a shelf somewhere for them, then learn to ignore that shelf.

    Be good to yourself and I wish you continued success! Think of all those things you will be able to do easily again when you get to your goal and then make them happen!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Judy, I agree with Dan. The good food, ie protein, needs to be small bites, very moist (so not overcooked, rare for things like steak or roast) andchewed well. Yes you will feel full quicker and if you are eating too fast or too much, you will be uncomfortable.

    As for the other food, carbs break down different when we chew them. They seem to compress more, so it takes much more of them to make us feel full when we eat those things. Add a little water and those carbs become more of a liquid, also making it possible to eat a lot more of them.

    We are all told to focus on the protein first, if there is room left after a portion of protein then eat vegtables. If you still have room, some fruit. But we are also told to avoid carbs and startchy foods.

    Dan's right, get the junk out of your house. I don't live alone, my husband likes some things I don't want in my life anymore. He gets them himself and keeps them to himself. And yes, there are actually some things we just no longer have in the house. This works for us. Find what works for you and remember, as you eat healthier, so will your family and that's a good thing to be doing for them.

  • Thank Thank you so much
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    I agree with Judy. I was told protein first then veggies--starch last. Usually I omit putting starch on my plate. I do have crackers with hummus for snacks and toast if I am having a half of sandwich at lunch. The toast goes down fine. I will not put a candy bar in my mouth and so far i have been happy with fat free pudding or Greek yogurt if I want sweets. I list everything I eat on myfittnesspal to make sure I am getting the proper amount of protein and calories. I hope this helps. There have been times I microwave a sweet potato or yam if i am craving sweets also. I eat very little of it but it stops that craving for me.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    P.S. Don't focus on a relapse, we are human. Log everythinginto MFP including the snack foods and you will be fine.