Atkins after Pregnancy: Breastfeeding/ When to start

sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
I am currently 6 months pregnant but of course already thnking about how to get the pounds off after baby.
NO i am NOT on atkins while I am pregnant!
I was on atkins prior to being pregnant with ketogenic diet but went off of it when trying to get pregnant and BAM found myself preggers!

My questions is can I do Atkins while breastfeeding ( i can not seem to find any scientific literature on ketones and affects on baby while breastfeeding/ just a lot of opinions)
Second does this affect breastfeeding supply?

If anyone went back on Atkins after pregnancy how long did you wait to start.
Also anyone do atkins while breastfeeding?


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Never tried it and all I have is my opinion -
    I wouldn't do it just because I don't think it provides balanced nutrition. You need to be sure you are getting enough of everything so baby gets enough of everything.
    ... That's all. Take it or leave it.
  • newmama_lols
    I heard that Kim Kardashian used Atkins and lots of exercise to get in shape after her baby. She was also breastfeeding so I'm not sure how she did all that. On the other hand, she has lots of money to pay for the trainers, doctors, and chefs that she needs.. so just remember that you don't have that kind of access.

    The main complaint about Atkins among breastfeeding moms is that you don't get enough healthy carbs to help you with breastfeeding, so your milk supply might suffer.
  • newmama_lols
    You can also read this at kelly mom about atkins and other low carb diets
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks newmama.
    I would be going on the Maintenance level of atkins while breastfeeding which is not ketogenic . Ithink there is a lot of miscomception about Atkins out htere it is NOT high protein but rather High Fat Low Carb moderate proeting when done right. I am definetly gonna check out that website.
    Thank you!