60 Day PiYo Challenge Starts Now!



  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    I looked ahead, too, and saw the 'new' thing on Wednesday (Core) :)
    I'm cranking it out every day, but so far the only time I really feel like it is a workout is 'Sweat'... I see it progresses, though.
    I AM noticing my wrist/ankle strength (flexibility?) improving!
    She says at the end of lower body, "Ok, let's move into upper body" or something like that, so I wonder if those were originally one workout? It would make sense.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • gandssmith
    gandssmith Posts: 67 Member
    i just started yesterday. i'm one week late. did the alignment dvd yesterday. started with the lower body this morning. it seemed too short so i just went a head and did the upper body too (which was even shorter). guess i'll do sweat tomorrow. from what everybody else has been saying "sweat" is more challenging. i hope so. i'm looking forward to increasing my flexibility. just not sure this workout alone will be enough. guess i need to be patient. think i will continue doing the weight part of chalene extreme until i figure out if this will be enough alone. i've been doing chalene extreme off and on for almost 2 yrs with t25 and p90x thrown in there. i'd just hate to lose what progress i've gained.
  • LWBanks
    LWBanks Posts: 20 Member
    The results that came in with PiYo from the test group did prove that doing PiYo alone will get you great results! The workouts do get more challenging as the weeks goes on! I would recommend that you continue to follow the calendar and make sure you are dialing in on your nutrition. This is a great time to really concentrate on what you are consuming because nutrition is 80% of the battle when it comes to losing weight. If you are having a difficult time with nutrition and making sure you are on track, send me a direct message and I would be happy to give you some recommendations/advice.

    Keep PiYoing and you won't be sorry! :)
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    The results that came in with PiYo from the test group did prove that doing PiYo alone will get you great results! The workouts do get more challenging as the weeks goes on! I would recommend that you continue to follow the calendar and make sure you are dialing in on your nutrition. This is a great time to really concentrate on what you are consuming because nutrition is 80% of the battle when it comes to losing weight. If you are having a difficult time with nutrition and making sure you are on track, send me a direct message and I would be happy to give you some recommendations/advice.

    Keep PiYoing and you won't be sorry! :)

    Good to know! I'm determined to do the full 60 days and look forward to see what changes I notice :)
  • gandssmith
    gandssmith Posts: 67 Member
    just finished "sweat" and i enjoyed it. and my shoulders were a little sore from monday and tuesday so i'm getting a little more excited. :happy:
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    I just did "Core" and it was a tough one!
    Unfortunately, my HRM isn't working, so not sure what I burned, but it definitely showed me I have lots of room to grow in balance and core strength :)
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    Nutrition has been my huge downfall. I'm getting a little discouraged about it but I know I'm the only one who can make the change. As a stay at home mom, our budget is tight and while it is possible to eat healthier on a dime, it is most definitely more difficult.

    Core was a challenge this morning! I have lots of room for improvement but I really enjoyed the workout! I forgot to start my hrm at the beginning but based on what I burned the second half I'm guessing it was around 300 calories which I was very pleased with! Looking forward to an "easy" workout tomorrow :)
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Do you have any farmer's markets around you? That has been such a blessing to me, to have one near!
    It REALLY saves me money on 'healthy' foods :)
    Also, the pick-your-own farms are booming around here right now and I got a huge thing of blueberries (a gallon bag stuffed) for about $6.00... I'm using them in everything now.
    Good luck!
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    We do, actually, I should check that out, thanks so much! I also just messages my beach body coach last night and asked her to help keep me accountable so I think that will really help.
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been able to stay on track with nutrition for 4 days! Even though that's not long I can tell a huge difference already!

    I enjoyed the last time doing upper body today and I'm super pumped about buns tomorrow and strength intervals later in the week.
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Good for you with the nutrition! I've realized over the past 3 weeks, I am averaging 5 'on track' days and 2 'off the grid' days, lol. Hopefully, I can reduce the binge days and start to see some results on the scale.
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    I was doing great with nutrition until dinner tonight. Tomorrow's a new day though.

    Buns was killer today! I didn't know if I could make it through at one point. I'm already sore, I can't imagine what I'll feel like tomorrow! How'd you guys like it?
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    The Buns workout is my favorite so far, but I barely did it... I spent most of the time looking to see what she was doing, lol, and I was already sore today from the 2nd level of Jillian's ab workout I just started. Looking forward to the next time, though, as I really liked the moves on this one :)
  • 84wweber
    84wweber Posts: 97 Member
    I'm doing "Drench" tomorrow for the first time... I'm excited and a little nervous! I'll let you know how it goes.
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    After the buns workout, lower body was a breeze today. It's the last time it's on the schedule, too, looks like it gets pretty ramped up from here on out. I'm excited and a little nervous!
  • 84wweber
    84wweber Posts: 97 Member
    Drench was really good. It's 48 minutes, so the longest one yet. I did "buns" yesterday, and I agree... it's a toughie!
  • LWBanks
    LWBanks Posts: 20 Member
    I'm glad you all are enjoying the workouts! Try to follow the calendar as strictly as you can. It's designed for a reason and following it will keep you consistent! Consistency is key!
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    I've continued to enjoy Piyo, buns was a little easier today but still made my booty burn!

    I won't be seeing the results I had hoped for but that's ok because.....I'm pregnant! I have infertility issues so we are super pumped and I love that I will be able to do piyo throughout the whole pregnancy!
  • LWBanks
    LWBanks Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations!!! Perfect timing for PiYo!
  • Just found this group but I started this about a week ago! On day 9 and love it! I'm a professional Bellydancer and I have experienced great improvement! I always have struggled with yoga being to slow for me and PIYO has been perfect!! Love Love Love this program already!