I have some newbie questions



  • gweneddk
    gweneddk Posts: 183 Member
    QUESTION: Pull ups. I'm too weak and heavy in my upper body, not flexible enough in my lower body to get my feet in the bands. Suggestions on another exercise or anything that will help me. Today I did a variation of a low row using rings. Thanks

    Sorry may have found answer on youtube, but still open to suggestions. On youtube the person put their knee through the loop instead of their foot. I'm going to try that next time

    You can put the band around your knees; it gives slightly less help than putting it around your foot. How about standing on a box or bench while you loop the band around your foot? That's what I do b/c otherwise the bar is too high and I can't pull the band low enough.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    QUESTION: Pull ups. I'm too weak and heavy in my upper body, not flexible enough in my lower body to get my feet in the bands. Suggestions on another exercise or anything that will help me. Today I did a variation of a low row using rings. Thanks

    Sorry may have found answer on youtube, but still open to suggestions. On youtube the person put their knee through the loop instead of their foot. I'm going to try that next time

    You can also do negative (you jump then lower yourself down to starting position). However, honestly I find ring rows work better than negatives.

    I generally do ring rows but think I'm near the point where i need to start doing htem banded to really start getting stronger. If we have a WOD that calls for lots of pull ups I'll still do rings but otherwise I need to start doing more bar work.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Yep same, I ring row if it's more than 10 and black band it if it's less than 10 reps.

    You can make ring rows difficult too by stepping further underneath

    Do you guys think putting a knee in the thickest band (black in our gym) is harder or easier than the next band down (green for us)? I'm just thinking it might be a good progression as I can do 5 good reps and 5 struggling, fight-fot-it money reps with a black band but I can't do one rep of any description with a green. Knee in black might be half way between the two?
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    When I used bands I'd get on a box and someone would pull the black band down so I could get my foot in it- I think I made them nervous lol but the help really helped me out.
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I think I'm getting the hang of cleans! We did thrusters and I got my chin with the bar (ouch), those are going to take some time. They had no problem with my wanting to gift a kettlebell and assured me they are getting more so I think it's just a matter of slowly building up equipment. All good things!
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Yep same, I ring row if it's more than 10 and black band it if it's less than 10 reps.

    You can make ring rows difficult too by stepping further underneath

    Do you guys think putting a knee in the thickest band (black in our gym) is harder or easier than the next band down (green for us)? I'm just thinking it might be a good progression as I can do 5 good reps and 5 struggling, fight-fot-it money reps with a black band but I can't do one rep of any description with a green. Knee in black might be half way between the two?

    We have this band color chart posted in our box - Hope it helps.

  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Hardly any of the women except those who Rx everything use the 35 kettlebells at my box. The 26's are much more popular and even lighter get a lot of use. I can't even do 35 KB snatches with my right wrist and I Rx most strength workouts. I would bring my own and leave them there.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    We're not allowed to use bands at my box for the most part so we do pull ups off of a box, ring rows or body rows. Outside of a WOD, we work on negatives and holds.