Positive Challenge Day 4

hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
One thing I'm really focusing on right now is self improvement. Obviously on the physical side, that's why I'm on MFP, eating cleaner and working out.

But also on the mental side. Honestly I struggle more with being mentally healthy than I do with my physical health. I've also found that when I'm struggling mentally I can sabotage what I'm doing on the physical side.

One of the things I've done to help is take a personality test. It's based on colors - 4 colors to describe different personalities. I've taken these kinds of tests before. Even this one but I never really took the time to understand what it was trying to tell me.

This time I decided to take the time to study the information that comes with the results of the test. WOW! What an eye opener. One thing that was listed for my personality is the fact that I am a perfectionist. How true is that? And another thing is I tend to have feelings of guilt. No wonder when I don't perfectly follow my eating plan I feel awful about it.

This has been huge for me. I've decided to embrace who I am and rather than try to become something I'm not, I've decided that it's ok that I'm a perfectionist. I just need to find a way to accept that I can't always be perfect and even though I feel guilty about it, that's no excuse to eat pizza and ice cream.

It's a work in progress of course, but it feels good knowing myself a little better.

"The better you know yourself, the more you are able to forgive yourself"

Here's the link to the personality test I took (if you are interested)


  • varula
    varula Posts: 13

    "The better you know yourself, the more you are able to forgive yourself"

    I think your quote should read "The better you know yourself, the more you are able to LOVE yourself." Why should you have to forgive anything you learn about yourself? You are beautiful, flaws and all. Cherish that.

    "Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have." - Anonymous

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • hollydohrman
    hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
    Good point. I was thinking about it in my perfectionist mindset.