August 8, 2014

Good morning! So what is your daily routine for whatever weight loss program you are following? Do you plan your eating exercise ahead or go more with the flow? What is your favorite meal of the day and why?

As most of you know I have been out of sorts for a while so I am not really planning right now but there are some good habits I have picked up. Like eating salad at lunch with no bread. Having fruit for snacks.. if I don't I hit the vending machine.. not good. My favorite meal of the day is that salad at lunch time. I am totally alone, have a great book on hand, read and eat, no interruptions, LOVE it.

Julie in IL


  • andysdream
    I don't really pre- plan my meals. I seem to do worse when I have to follow any program which tells me what to eat and when to eat it even if it is my own program. I do have a routine exercise pattern because my water aerobics and Silver Sneakers classes are on specific days and times, but again any additional exercise such as walking is not pre-planned. I guess my favorite meal is breakfast, but I think this is more due to the fact that I am a morning person. I love early in the day and my mood is almost always better. I seem to do more damage at night when it comes to eating. Maybe because I don't really like the end of the day and I am feeling tired or anxious.Then old habits kick in and I turn to food for comfort. Still struggling to change old habits

  • Persephone1972
    I sort of plan my days out. I eat a chobani raspberry yogurt for breakfast (its a stretch for me to even eat breakfast-not a fan) then a salad for lunch. On days that I don't have a salad for lunch I eat way more. So, I now realize that I have to have the salad for lunch, no matter how much I don't feel like it. Sometimes I have leftover grilled chicken in it, more often not. Dinner is my favorite meal of the day. I usually try to make something healthy, like grilled chicken or pork with rice pilaf made with olive oil and fresh green beans from my garden.

    My biggest problem is the evening. That's when I binge out on things I shouldn't. My single biggest weakness is the all curing, comfort giving, wonderful, creamy ice cream. I have relied on ice cream to sooth all my ills and my hurts since I was a kid and I used to sneak it when my mom wasn't looking, because she used to only give me a little bit every once in a while. I joined this site just over a week ago. I've done this with ease for a week. Until I brought ice cream into the house. I got it to serve at a little get together we are having with friends in a couple days. Now I have to go out and buy more. :( Its like I cant make it through a night if I know it's here. I fell off the wagon for 2 evenings. I did fine during the days, just not the nights.

    So, that being admitted, I will now start a new day and forget about my mistakes. In the past I would have given up after those 2 bad nights. I always used to have the all or nothing approach. But I'm trying to learn from my past. So here I go, off to greet another sunny summer day.

  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Tanya have you tried frozen light cool whip? It is not ice-cream I won't pretend it is completely the same, but it is cold, creamy and I think yummy. I always keep a tub in the freezer and have some with strawberries, 321 cake, or crepes.

    I am a planner. I plan out a week ahead, all meals, I do my shop based on those meals apart from adding on any weekly sale items. Sometimes things get changed around. Exercise I do not exactly plan, I just know each day I am going to do some walking. On top of that I may do Yoga, a DVD, or go out with my DH for some badminton. I usually do something 6 times week, and then have a lazy day. I do not plan that lazy day in, I just take it when my body feel like it needs it.

    I too am at my worst in the evening. Sigh. This week I have had several evenings of bad decision making. My favourite meal is dinner but my favourite time is morning, I am not a morning person so breakfast tends to be a quiet affair as DS has learnt to tone it down a bit, (most mornings) and I like it being quieter while I am eating.

  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I plan my meals. I am following a Ketogenic diet for other health reasons. Weight loss on it is a bonus side effect that i am using to keep me motivated. I cook batches of food that keep well in freezer in single serving portions. I take some out to defrost each day ready for next day. I have a boiled egg as part of my breakfast so i boil 4 at a time to keep ready for next few days in fridge. I keep my meals quite similar so not a lot of thought is required. I try to spread my calorie intake quite evenly across 3 meals. I focus on getting best quality ingredients i can find and afford. I eat some coconut oil with each meal because i find it helps keep me feeling full and has lots of reported health benefits. I also eat some fresh spinage with each meal which as well as being good for you aparently reduces food cravings. I have not had any cravings for last two weeks so what i am doing works for me.
  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    I meal plan just because we have a large family and it is easier budget wise but I don't plan a set day for the meals if that makes sense. I will eat a lighter lunch if I know I am having a bigger dinner though. I do plan in exercise everyday though. If I know I won't get out on the bike, I will do the treadmill in the morning. If I don't do it then I know I will find an excuse to not do it.

    There are certain things that I can not have in the house or I know I will not have the willpower to resist them. We are coming up on football season and that is the worst time of year for poor choices as far as eating goes in my family. Some weeks we have as many as three school football games and the schedule is always changing so there is no routine. My bike rides will be limited too. Looking forward to the season and watching the games but not the problems it will cause with my "plan".
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member

    Good to have a fellow bike rider. Small rides are great, you can still get a good burn and if you can get things done with it 9like running errands) then even better.

    I use to preplan a bit more, but I wasn't as good at keeping up with it and sometimes I need the flexibility either because of scheduling or I would just need to let myself have something to keep sane. I do try to log my meals before I eat them and I do mentally plan out my meals and have a fairly good sense what the ballpark number of calories will be. I do tend to pre plan on long bike rides. i plan out my breakfast (usually high carb, protein and fruit for sugar) and then what I will have as a snack during the ride and what my recovery meal will be when I get back (higher protein, chocolate milk... yumm).

    It seems to be working.

    I try to exercise 5 times a week. It's helped that I allow myself days off especially if I need to recover. I try to go back and forth between short bike ride and walking with a long bike ride either on thursdays or during the weekend.

    This week has been a bit different as I just have a lot of work that needs to get done and I seem to be in the grove so I want to accomplish what I can so I don't have any stress when I decide to go out for a ride.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    As a youngish person I tend to be given a lot of cloths, and like a lot of the cloths people give me their are a lot fo assumptions apparently about my shirt size. Bless their hearts for thinking I wear one x smaller then I normally due but It tends to mean I have a lot of shirts I haven't been able to fit into.

    A month and a half ago I was given a XXL shirt made of a thicker synthetic sweat wicking material (love this material) meant for causal wear (did I just use the words causal wear?). I smiled and though, silly person I don't wear this size. I might have been a bit embarrassed or ashamed in the past but I knew this time around I would eventually be able to fit into it.

    Well, I was reading Melissasue0317's feed this morning and her comment about downing a new pair of smaller size nursing scrubs and she got me thinking. So I went over to the washing machine where the offending shirt was hanging and tried it on. It finely fit. Not 100% perfect, but comfortable enough for me ti wear it all day. I tried on another XXL that I got from the Father Day marathon but their is no way that cheap thing is a XXL. All I can say is I finely fit into a XXL.

    I think by mid month I will be taking a trip to the clothing drop-off bin and welcoming in a new mound of old cloths with one less X on them.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Pat, that is awesome about fitting into the smaller size!

    I am a meal planner. A part of it is I don't really have time to prepare meals during the week (full time work and school can do that) so if I am going to eat something that isn't fast food I need to make it Sunday night. I also have to plan out when I will exercise for the same reason. I don't have a ton of time so I need to use it wisely. I also plan the exercise because some of it, like tennis, requires another person.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I am definitely a go with the flow person. The more I try to plan, the more I rebel against myself. I literally loathe the phrase, "Just do it." I don't know what it is, because I'm really not a rebellious person, but if I tell myself not to do something, I will obsess crazy-style until I do exactly that thing - and usually 10 times worse than I wanted to do in the first place. So, I have to keep my goals and my plans very loose. I do attempt to make a menu due to financial constraints, but I refuse to say, "Monday I'm making this, Thursday is that..." because as soon as I do, everything goes to crap. Same with exercise. I'm trying to commit to something, anything, but I just can't! And commitment overall isn't an issue for me. I've been at my job 8 years. I'm in a relationship that I've been in for over 2 years (known him over 20 years) that I'm quite happy and satisfied to continue in for years to come. Before that , I was married almost 17 years. I don't have issues with commitment in and of itself. But there is something about telling myself in absolutes - you canNOT do that, you MUST do this, or even someone else telling me that - that makes me subconsciously sabotage myself or rebel like a crazed teen. I really must get to the bottom of this, but after 38 years of being me, I'm no closer to understanding that impulse than I was at any other point in my life. -C

    P.S. Congrats, Pat! I love seeing empowering.