L-Carnitine supplements

succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
Carnitine is not an amino acid in the strict sense, however L-Carnitine bears many resemblances to amino acids and is usually grouped under this heading. L-Carnitine is used by the body to transport long chain fatty acids to the "power sources" in your cells called mitochondria, which are where your calories get "burned" or oxidized for energy. Since this fat burning is such a major source of muscular energy, deficiencies in L-Carnitine are manifested as low energy levels and muscular weakness. If you aren't burning fat effectively, the fat will build up and get stored in your body. This then leads to a variety of health problems caused by fatty build-ups. L-Carnitine supplementation can help prevent fatty build-ups in the heart and liver (especially likely if you are a regular consumer of alcoholic beverages). And, if you're among those people avoiding exercise because of the pain and exhaustion that often comes afterward -- and especially when you don't workout regularly -- getting enough L-Carnitine may make it easier for you to work exercise into your schedule. Research has shown that adequate intakes of the L-Carnitine may not only lengthen and optimize workouts but also reduce pain in the days following for all types of athletes, including "weekend warriors". Several studies have confirmed L-Carnitine's relationship to exercise. Researchers have tested people at all athletic levels, with and without adequate L-Carnitine, for indicators of recovery. They found that people had significantly less post-workout pain and tenderness and less post-exercise muscle damage with L-Carnitine supplementation than with placebo. In one study, 75 percent of participants saw a 20 percent improved ability to exert energy within 25 minutes after exercising. L-Carnitine deficiencies can appear as weight gain, mental confusion or cloudiness, angina (heart pain) and fatigue. Putting it all together, L-Carnitine emerges as a great supplement as it: helps your cells to burn fat (making it excellent addition to a weight loss program) increases energy improves heart and liver health all at the same time reduces post-exercise muscle damage, pain and tenderness
