
kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
I am 11 weeks, and my exhaustion is out of control. It's been this way from the very beginning but seems to almost be getting worse. Like to the point that some nights I seriously can't shut down the house (make sure everything is good to go before bed). Exercise? Lol. I feel like I need a nap after work and then bed by 10p. The only thing I can do all day is work. Work takes everything out of me. It's killing me. Is anyone else having like extreme exhaustion? One night at the very beginning of pregnancy, I literally spent about 30 minutes just trying to coax my brain in to picking up my arm. That's how most of my nights are going now.


  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    I know the feeling well. Hang in there, it should get much better in your second trimester. Then the insomnia will kick in (I once hung washing on the line at 3am as I was wide awake and had nothing better to do than housework).
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Yes, during the 1st trimester, I pretty much did nothing. I have a 5 year old and it was soooo hard, because I couldn't just leave her unattended to go take a nap. I ended up having her play or watch tv for an hour while I 'lightly' napped on the couch (so I could still hear her). It was really rough. We practically lived on fast food too, because I was just too tired to cook.

    It started to get better for me 13-14 weeks. I'm 16 weeks now and have tons of energy now :O
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Yes, during the 1st trimester, I pretty much did nothing. I have a 5 year old and it was soooo hard, because I couldn't just leave her unattended to go take a nap. I ended up having her play or watch tv for an hour while I 'lightly' napped on the couch (so I could still hear her). It was really rough. We practically lived on fast food too, because I was just too tired to cook.

    It started to get better for me 13-14 weeks. I'm 16 weeks now and have tons of energy now :O

    Ok, this is pretty much my life. I do nothing. I have more energy on the weekends, so I can actually do some chores. But during the week, no can do. I'm definitely ready to feel better. My exhaustion has been so bad lately, I don't even have the energy to get on MFP like I used to. Ok, I'm counting on two weeks lol. Anyone can do anything for two weeks, right?
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Ohhhhh that was the FIRST thing that made me think "gee, I might be pregnant!" LOL it is definitely common!!!!!!!!!!!! Some say it gets much better in the 2nd trimester. For me it really didn't, although my nausea got much better so it made things easier. I still have way more lazy days and exercise off days than I'd like :(! But I'm also on 12 hour shifts which are not the friendliest for baby growing so perhaps that's the culprit! Good luck and hope you get some energy soon! It does suck, especially if you were really active before! I went from working out 6 days a week and leaving the house all the time to MAYBE going on a walk 3-4x a week and staying in pajamas all day lol
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    1st trimester is always the most exhausting. I'm pregnant with our 2nd and even though this pregnancy has been 1000% different I still spent 10 weeks so tired and sick that getting out of bed was a chore. My first pregnancy I was sick and tired for 9 months. It just depends on the luck of the draw I guess. My first was a boy and this one is a boy as well so the old wives tales of boys and girls being the main factor in different pregnancy is so not true lol. At 10 weeks my tired lifted away and has only come back once or twice when he had a growth spurt. Good luck and sleep lots! It's ok and you need it!
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    My advice? Exercise anyways. I got a pinched nerve in my back and hadn't exercised for 2 weeks and was feeling EXACTLY how you felt. Like everyday is a struggle to get to be able to go back to bed. I worked out on Saturday and had so much more energy afterwards! I got so much done on Saturday. I cleaned, cooked some freezer meals, put fall decorations out, took my pool down, and built my firepit (its just stones set in a circle). That is more than I've done in the last 2 weeks combined. Try to exercise for 20 minutes and see how it goes!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    My advice is sleep and rest. If you don't have kids currently then enjoy this time for sure because these are the last months you will be able to sleep when you want to & not based on someone else's sleep schedule. I am 4 months pregnant with baby 3 and experienced the same exhaustion in the first trimester. If you can get up and walk at work that will help a little and do what you can when you have the energy otherwise rest when you need it. Hang in there it should get better soon.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    OMG Yes!!!!! Im 8 weeks today and for the past 2 weeks I've felt like a walking zombie. No energy, no desire to do anything....its miserable :( Ive been going to the gym but it takes my husband actually dragging me to get there...Im hoping after the first trimester it will get better.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    And this totally explains it! I completely forgot about exhaustion during the first trimester (don't recall having this big of an issue last time) but this would explain my lack of energy, constantly being tired, and desire to not do a damn thing LOL. Can't wait for this to pass... not really conducive for the type of work I do. And of course the really weird, vivid dreams don't help the matter any either! :ohwell:
  • kam213
    kam213 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm absolutely feeling you on this. I'm ten weeks along, and every day is a constant struggle to function. It hits me really hard in the afternoons. I just want to close my office door and sleep. I usually go home and take a nap so I can try to function for a few hours in the evening, and then I have trouble going to sleep at night. When I do, I sleep hard and heavy and have vivid dreams. It's hard to get up in the morning and do it all again. I don't have much time for my husband. The last thing I want to do is cuddle and have "us" time. It's always "fend for yourself" at dinner time because I have no energy to cook. I'm embarrassed at gaining the weight that I have in the past ten weeks just because I've been so tired.

    I'm looking forward to having more energy in the fall, exercising more, and getting more done. It can't get here soon enough!!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hopefully it subsides soon! I'm 15 weeks with #2 & I'm still extremely exhausted! I stay at home with my 3 yr old & can hardly do anything still! Now I'm having severe round ligament pains. I just do the bare minimum housework & devote my energy being there for my toddler. Housework won't get done at all once baby is born anyways. Might as well get used to it lol. Hang in there! I hear it gets better during the 2nd trimester, although it hasn't gotten better for me yet!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I found it got better around 14 weeks when my nausea went. I did force myself to go to the gym throughout, and I think that helped me, gave me more energy somehow. I also had 2 children already and was working part time as a teacher. Looking back I'm not quite sure how I coped, especially on my husband's late shift week! I used to rest at the weekend when my husband was at home!
  • lukfitnessprogress
    lukfitnessprogress Posts: 13 Member
    I was that way from about 8-14 then week 17 got me again! Just now at 20 really got my energy & gym flow back, but that being said, I am still in bed at 9 ;) ! Hope it gets better!!!!
  • lukfitnessprogress
    lukfitnessprogress Posts: 13 Member
    Love the pic!!