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abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
I wanted to check in with everyone and see how you're doing eating clean. I posted yesterday about doing a more focused group on Facebook since I find it easier to interact. If you're interested let me know.

So-how have you done thus far? Have you noticed a difference in how you eat or what you want to eat?

For me: It's been hit or miss some days with work being very stressful. HOWEVER-I've made time for meal prep and that has helped so much. I've cut out most completely processed foods and have found some decent options when I didn't prepare right. I actually look forward to my fruit snack in the morning :-)


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    A Facebook group might be fun!

    I've been doing okay with the clean eating, but there are improvements that could be made. I found some great recipes on Pinterest, so I'm trying those out this week.
  • ShalaraQ
    ShalaraQ Posts: 82 Member
    I've had a nutty few days and haven't been able to get online via the web much, so I haven't been posting. Nutty days make it much harder to eat clean when speed and convenience are so much easier.

  • Desirae_B
    Desirae_B Posts: 15 Member
    A Facebook group would be nice it's nice to organize your groups that way and just go in to check them daily. I have not really started a clean eating lifestyle but this group reminds me to stay focused and it's definitely my plan for my future.
  • Liss18
    Liss18 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing alright but the weight is dropping so slowly. Frustrating.
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    This week is a total loss, I'm completely off the rails. We've had visitors at our manufacturing site all this week and I've had to eat out every day for lunch and twice for dinner. Applebees, Buffalo Wild Wings, Chili's and Red Robin so far. In meetings or training all day and no time to eat my snacks (I didn't even bother to pack any today). Got a lot of catching up to do next week.

    Side rant... It's a little surprising how much "good natured" ribbing and teasing I'm getting for trying to eat a healthy lunch or dinner at a restaurant with this visiting group of co-workers. I'm pretty thick skinned but dang... I order a salad instead of a double cheeseburger and suddenly it's like "what's with the chick food?" Evidently eating salads and substituting a fruit bowl for fries is going to put me into a testosterone deficit :) End of rant... sorry for the hijack.
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    Soggynode-Hang in there. I've had people do that to my husband too when he orders "chick food."
  • sunsoakeddreamer
    sunsoakeddreamer Posts: 36 Member
    Side rant... It's a little surprising how much "good natured" ribbing and teasing I'm getting for trying to eat a healthy lunch or dinner at a restaurant with this visiting group of co-workers. I'm pretty thick skinned but dang... I order a salad instead of a double cheeseburger and suddenly it's like "what's with the chick food?" Evidently eating salads and substituting a fruit bowl for fries is going to put me into a testosterone deficit :) End of rant... sorry for the hijack.
    It doesn't get any better if you're a chick eating that food either, my coworkers continually comment on my lunch being "diet food", less good natured ribbing, more cats with claws. God forbid I turn down a donut in the morning. The food attitudes make me a little sad
    I probably wouldn't join a facebook group for much the same reason, I like the relative anonymity of MFP without my 2nd cousin weighing in on why my "clean eating" is wrong
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    Ha, 2nd cousin sunsoakeddreamer-I make the groups closed because I don't care for others not doing the group to chime in either. BUT-I understand so no worries!
  • 2Chaotic
    2Chaotic Posts: 23 Member
    I'm happy to join a Facebook group, as I log in to FB at least once a day most days.

    My week since Tuesday has been not so good: too many bicuits, too many purchsed meals including a McDonalds (when I fall off the wagon I do it with abandon). Anyhoo, this week will be better as I'm cooking my meals for the week today and, apart from a stock cube tinned tomatoes,oilve oil and some passata, every ingredient will be in its natural state.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    FB would be great-I went for Cranberry Juice a few days ago-Amazed at 100% juice and sugar and citric acid and so on. Spent 6 dollars for organic nothing but water added-It was tart but made me feel better. Each day is a trial. WOuld love Facebook
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I inadvertently gave up FB about six months ago, I was busy and got out of the habit, and don't want to resume the habit. Life does exist post FB! For that reason I won't join, but I think it's a good idea.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Over the past couple of weeks, I've been "secretly" trying to implement some clean recipes into our weekly menus. After the clean sloppy joes (sounds like an oxymoron!) I made a couple of nights ago, and after seeing the dishes I have planned for next week, I think my husband is on board with the clean eating... as long as I don't start making weird stuff. :wink:
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    Would the sloppy joes be unclean because you are used to using manwhich or something like that? On processing, unless you can find ground turkey that are free range, you are getting a product which is raised in a rather brutal environment and is generally more than minimally processed. We have a turkey farmer near here who raises turkey organically and humanely, but if you have ever seen mass production turkey places you wouldn't eat it.
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    For those Interested I'll send you a message. Sorry I was down for the count yesterday, but back in gear after working at the restaurant this morning.

    Clean eating today wasn't perfect. But I got my shake in the morning and then snacked on cucumbers instead of fries. Score!
  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    I'd be up for a facebook group.

    I feel so blah today after yesterdays horrible choices. Basically all junk food (cookies, cider donut, ice cream) but it was a fun day out with my 4yr old nephew. Who told me that it was the best day ever and he didnt want to go home. Made it worth it but not eating like that again if I can help it. This week I am making sure to get back on track with meals already planned out :)
  • mustangEvie
    mustangEvie Posts: 39 Member
    I'm interested in a FB group of there is one. Could use the support.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    i would be interested in facebook group too if you managed to sort it, thanks