Day 22, August 10

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
In the interest of exiting the time warp that v has apparently been created in here, I'm re-starting today's thread. Here's Pat's original post:
August 10, 2014 5:12 AM
Well I'm still up so might as well get the day started early.

It hasn't been an exercise heavy week with a lot of client projects coming due and being out of the house on visits. I probably could have made better room but when I'm stuck into a project I need to work through it till it's complete and that makes working other things in difficult.

I have loved the flexibility of working for myself (could use more regular income but at the moment its working) since if the work week is light I can go for rides in the middle of the afternoon for two hours or take days off to do longer rides. But at the same time I'm available 24/7 and when the work picks up I need to focus on it. When I finely get the creative problem solving juices flowing I don't want to stop.

Thankfully I have a ride scheduled for this morning in 6 hours so I will get some exercise. I will probably take a 13 mile ride with a family member, drop them off at their house and do another 13 or so on my own to round off the day.

Any who, not much going on. Yoga websites, glitter crusting turd business cards. You know, typical day.

Should probably go to bed.

That's right I'm suppose to ask a question...

So what are you doing this weekend or week to make sure your health goals are being meet? What will you put aside or work around to make sure your taking care of your needs responsible?


  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thanks for the start, Pat! I switched us to Day 22 because of reasons. ????

    Today I'm on my own and have a long, long list to get through. First up is groceries, including a stop at the farm stand. That's the number one thing I do to take care of myself, Pat. I make sure the house is stocked with healthy food. This afternoon is definitely long swim time. So, second is getting my exercise done. And third is always drinking at least ten glasses of water. Hmmmm... sounds like a challenge.

    Good morning, all! Pop in and say hello and HURRAH!!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Popping in! I spent 8 hrs at the lake yesterday. I would say a good 4 hrs of it was swimming. It was very choppy, i have never seen a lake have so many waves. It reminded me of an ocean. I spent about 10 mins on the ski...that is it. It was just a get back.on the horse sort of thing because I was so scared Id again. I just dont want to be the one to ruin it. I was doing ok until I realized I had to turn it to go back and then I freaked a little and just kept circles. That was how I flipped it last weekend it was when I turned it and straightened it out. But i did ok, I just realized that was enough until the waters calmed down.

    Having a really hard time with hunger lately. I feel like I could eat 24/7. Huge binge on Friday night out of frustration due to just other people being in a bad mood and I left it affect me. Over on my cals again yesterday too but with all the swimming it was ok and I didnt eat fasr food on the way home with my friend when she got some.

    I also didnt eat the breakfast I went and got the husband and kiddo and dog this morning but came home and had an apple, greek yogurt and thin rice cakes. Immediately felt guilty for even that because I dont usually eat during the day and I am already up to 400 calories. I am very cooked and still exhausted from yesterday. So much housework needs to be done and I just want to lay in bed and hide from all the bad mood people and the fridge. I know if I get moving though I will be less hungry so that is what I need to do.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Heather, I hear you! I've been exhausted and fighting pain since Tuesday, trying to go through the motions but always on the verge of a binge. It's like the need keeps building and building and building. Sounds like you need some "me" time away from Sir Grumpsalot. Maybe a yoga class? Or just an afternoon of napping and reading a trashy novel? Or anything to remind you that YOUR NEEDS ARE IMPORTANT TOO.

    I'm putting aside my chore list for a few hours in the sun, floating in the lake. Summer here is fleeting, so I need to grab what I can.

  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Ben and I walked to the zoo yesterday and ended up walking around for almost four hours, which was quite nice, despite my cold making my head feel all weird. We went out to a steak and frites place for dinner to celebrate our sixth(!) anniversary.

    Bought some fruit and veggies this morning and I'll be walking around a lot today, too, so I guess that's how I'm staying healthy. Gym is still a no go because of the cold. Soooon, though.

    I'm going shopping because I hit 50lbs lost and almost none of my clothes fit at this point. Hopefully I find some good cheap things!

    Pat, how was your ride?

    Karen, I hope the weather is cooperating so you can enjoy your swims and not freeze!

    Heather, sorry things have been so rough. I saw your swim yesterday, though, and you kicked serious butt there. Good luck with the chores today!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Go, Norah!!! FIFTY POUNDS??? Awesome!!!!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Swam laps for an hour and enjoyed it so much I think I'll do it again after dinner. Yay to my inner athlete!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hmmm, I really shouldn't do these things late in the evening when I am tired and moody. Thanks Karen.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Well the morning plans went to pieces. I worked late into the evening but still got up at 7 for the ride but my partner decided she didn't want to go by that morning . Needless to say I was tired and by that point disappointed and a little pissed off. I'm not a morning person but I will get up to do something with someone else and I was looking forward to not having to ride on my own.

    I ended up crawling back into bed and woke up in the afternoon in the same mood I passed out in. Took me a good 2 hours to motivate myself to get out the door and just got back from a 22 mile ride. The weather was good but the wind didn't help my attitude. I'm glad I went but it's not how I wanted it all to go down.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Pat, I am very impressed that you still went on your ride and didn't use it as an excuse not to go! Well done! I'm sorry it didn't go as planned but you went out and did it anyway! Good for you!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Rat, Good for you for biking anyway. Finding a reliable exercise partner is a pain in the butt! You get extra credit for going out on your own anyway.

    I'm completely wiped this evening-Still's flare/fever has me in bed at 9 p.m. Hoping a good night sleep will sort me out. I got stuff to do!!!

    Sending out cheers and hugs to everyone,
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Although it is the 'next' day for me...just read thru everyone's posts! Looks like it was an up and down day for some. Norah...great job on the 50 pounds!! Pat...congrats for dragging yourself out and getting a ride in...hope you feel better tomoro! Karen..sorry your Stills' flared up, but you did get a great swim in!! Heather...saw that you did your cleaning! Want to do mine??? lol

    I got my 10000 steps in...mostly at work by making rounds and then did 20 minutes on the treadmill. Today is another day!!

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Woo woo, Nancy! That's a lot of steps!