Weigh In

So I have a question. Is this challenge to see who loses the most weight?


  • Good question! I think it's only fair to judge by percentage of weight loss like The Biggest Loser.
  • tatowndoc
    tatowndoc Posts: 9 Member
    A little competition is a good thing! Should we post our actual weight occasionally or will we see it anyway on our profiles?
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Good question! I think it's only fair to judge by percentage of weight loss like The Biggest Loser.

    It is? 30 lbs lost when you're 180 isn't the same percentage when you lose it at 250
  • Hi everbody. I am new here. How does it work. I weigh 76 kilo and I would love to weigh 70 kilo. My long time goal is 66 and a better overall fitness. How can I participate in this group. I think it would help me to stay motivated. thank you all.
  • AnanoBanano
    AnanoBanano Posts: 20 Member
    Maybe we can all set the same weight loss goal for these 10 weeks and see who manages it? Somewhere realistic between 5-10 kg or 10-20 lb?
  • anastasia450
    anastasia450 Posts: 3 Member
    I think biggest loser style competition would be pretty cool!!
    There could be a certificate for 1st 2nd and 3rd (motivation :p )

    I'm Stasia btw - weighed in this morning at 81.2kg :)
  • jansalado
    jansalado Posts: 5 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 192.2 eSo do we weigh in every Monday morning at post our weight. My ticker shows a 7 pound loss but that is for a two week period. Mystarting weight for this challenge is 192.2.
  • lwojtowicz2014
    lwojtowicz2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Morning! I weighed in at 97kg (216 lbs) this morning. I'm aiming for a 10% weight loss for this challenge.
  • DianeinFL
    DianeinFL Posts: 20 Member
    Gm. I'm in also. I weigh 158. My goal is 140
  • tatowndoc
    tatowndoc Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in at 201 lbs. Long term goal (not in 10 weeks) is 160 lbs.
  • I weighed in this morning and had 76 kg. I would like to go at least to 70... better 66 kgs.
  • ob1msu
    ob1msu Posts: 14 Member
    Weighed in at 307 this morning
  • Cbanjo
    Cbanjo Posts: 557 Member
    Hi there, my weight this morning is 74.2kg or 163.9lbs. I will love to go down to 153lbs or 69kg by the end of this challenge.
  • I weighed in at 220 lbs this morning. My goal for this challenge is to get below 200. My ultimate goal is 150 lbs. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • Ashtalia
    Ashtalia Posts: 30 Member
    I weighed 153 this morning. In 10 weeks I would like to see myself close to 140.
  • browneyes12
    browneyes12 Posts: 27 Member
    I weighed in at 142 this morning.

    My goal is 134 by the end of this challenge.
  • carolynmwhite37
    carolynmwhite37 Posts: 3 Member
    ok- my weigh in & first day back on MFP is 181.4 This is also the MOST I HAVE EVER WEIGHED in my life!!! (Including being pregnant!) HERE WE GO!!! Lets get this party started!!
  • peacheslcg
    peacheslcg Posts: 41 Member
    Can we make one thread for weighing in? There are now two. Could we make a cut off point for weighing in for a certain week? A summer challenge I was in had a google excel doc with a link and people entered their weight by a certain day (Monday) and then the winner would be announced (it was by group). It would be a lot easier to do it that way and to calculate percentages and all of that. Would anyone be up for that? I'd be happy to create it.
  • Excellent Point. Maybe I should create a Google spreadsheet for all of us. Awesome idea.
  • Cbanjo
    Cbanjo Posts: 557 Member
    Can we make one thread for weighing in? There are now two. Could we make a cut off point for weighing in for a certain week? A summer challenge I was in had a google excel doc with a link and people entered their weight by a certain day (Monday) and then the winner would be announced (it was by group). It would be a lot easier to do it that way and to calculate percentages and all of that. Would anyone be up for that? I'd be happy to create it.

    Great idea