Social get together without drinking

I've been trying really hard to give up alcohol for health and control reasons. Nothing good can come of it right now.
I've been mostly successful but today will be a big test.
We are having a get together where there will be about 9 adults and 5 kids at my small house. We are going to have wraps, wings, and lots of beer and wine coolers. Its an all day type of thing while we draft fantasy football players.
I am pretty much an introvert. I like to chat with a friend or two for an hour or so at a time. Then I like to send them home so I can relax and unwind. This will be 6 hours at least,of being a host, having to be pleasant and smiley and talk. I find it hard to have so many people to talk to at the same time. I hate talking at tables or groups when all of a sudden all of the heads turn to you like you are on a stage. Plus I have to watch my two young kids and the other three kids (one of which has some bully tenancies and his parents are in denial, so they just ignore him.)
In the past I would drink the whole time. Everything is easier with a bottle of beer in your hand.
In the absence of beer, I would stand by snack trays and keep eating so that other people could talk and not expect me to say much. (can't talk with my mouth crunching, right?)
Anyway, I'm just really worried about how I'm going to get through this day. I feel like certain people are not meant to be in certain situations. I wish I didn't have to do this today. :(
Anybody out there that are somewhat dependent on alcohol to get them through social situations?


  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    How did it go? I went to my friend's bachelorette party/evening, which was fun, but I am proud of the fact that I limited myself to one drink per venue (we walked around to a few different places in the area). That was how I controlled what I did, and I kept reminding myself I had to get up at 6a.m. for work the next morning. I am with you, I'm an introvert and I have been where you are.
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    O'douls and other non-alcoholic beers are your friend at about 70 calories a bottle, So is club soda with lime or lemon or a lemon/cucumber mix! Try that one. This also beats diet sodas.
    You can do this.
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Wish I could report better news, but it went downhill pretty quickly. I thought I could stop at one just to take the edge off because I was having a tough time dealing with the kids all being crazy and the guests all needing the food put out.
    I keep forgetting that I can't just have one.
    So about 800-1000 calories of alcohol, but I kept the food in my typical range.
    Every day is another chance to get it right, though.
    Thanks for the support everyone!!! :)
  • Each day is new, fresh. I hear you on your struggles. I was MIA on here over Sunday and Monday. We went to Alice Cooper and Motley Crue Sunday night, after working all weekend. Sunday night was very drink-filled and expensive. Spent all day yesterday paying the price. I had someone cover my work shift because I was too hung over and depressed to go in. My fella and I had an argument at the show, which was not cool. And I indulged in McDonald's yesterday and lazed around ALL DAY, sleeping and watching netflix. Trying to embrace today as a new day. Get back at it.

    I understand about social situations, I'm becoming increasingly shy as I get older. And it's hard with the over-stimulation of multiple conversations, hosting, watching the kids. It's like alcohol just turns the volume down slightly, dulls with chaos of that kind of social situation. I go through what I went through on Sunday, which is over-doing it when I do something or attend something that I've been waiting for/anticipating/looking forward to. I spend so much energy in the weeks leading up, being excited and using that event as a beacon for getting through mundane tasks ("only two more weeks until ____________" or "It's ok because three days from now, I'll be doing _________________") and then when the day arrives I believe I've gotta make it a go big or go home event because I've spent so long anticipating it. Then I usually party too hard or stay out too late. It's a pattern of mine and it is frustrating. Not to mention, it usually causes trouble between my partner and I because I get really selfish after a few and I use the defense that it's a special night and he's not treating it like so. Silly.

    Anyway, don't beat yourself up about the FF swap day. These are new days. I know people who battle drinking just as much as I do, but make no effort to examine, reflect or try to change. I'm thankful to be really thinking about it and examining triggers and patterns and I'm glad you are too.

    Now I've got to log two past days worth of indulgences. Not looking forward to this, but makes me accountable. Weeeee! Take Care!