Summer Challenge Week 3 Results

Figaver Posts: 69 Member
Week 3 completed! Everyone please post your results on this thread. Here is a list of the current participants. Please feel free to join in with us at any time!

Week 2 Results:
Figaver: 1.5%
Jim1960: .99%
Toez79: 1.5%
Sparacka: 1.5%
17JayR: 1.23%
BoundForBeauty: 3.3 lb
Frob23: 1.14%
59gi: 3.2 lb

Here are my Week 3 Results:
SW: 262
Pounds Lost: 5.6 (2.1%)

I had a planned cheat day on Saturday, so I weighed myself Saturday morning and was a whole pound less than I was this morning. Just shows how much going off track messes with me. Ahh well, I won't be doing that again! I haven't been able to totally give up alcohol like I wanted to, but I have been cutting back. I have 3 yr old twins, and mommy needs a drink at the end of the day HA! Hope you all had a successful week!


  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    I had another planned "off" weekend. It sounds bad but we were out of town, up north on the lake, and I didn't have a ton of good choices. And I couldn't get on MFP. But whatever, those are excuses and I will own the issue! :) Now I'll be back on track! I really do want to be at my mini-goal at the end of this challenge!!

    CW: 234.4
    Change: 0%
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Start Trend Weight: 72.86 kg
    Today's Trend Weight: 71.48 kg
    Total Percentage Lost: 1.89% (Change: +0.76%)
    Goal Percentage Lost: 2.74% (70.86 kg)

    Another decent week for me. I've eaten a lot the last couple days. We'll see if that has any major impact. Today, I am over 700 calories above my goal. It shouldn't effect me, to be honest. If anything, it will slow things down. It's close to my maintenance calories.
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    SW: 161
    CW: 154.4
    Total lost:6.6
    Total change: 4.1%

    GW: 150 (6.8%)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    My weekly mini-challenge is to get up exactly when my alarm goes off in the morning. So far, I have 2 for 2. I need to get back in the swing of things and a normal schedule or things are going to be bad for me.
  • 17JayR
    17JayR Posts: 77 Member
    SW: 162
    CW: 159
    Total lost: 3
    Total change: 1.85%
    GW: 155