Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Today I went to my doctor and have officially started my medically supervised weight loss. Now comes the 6 months of trying to learn new habits so I don't go into this surgery completely oblivious and with hopes that it will help in my transition. I don't know about anyone else but coming to the conclusion of weight loss surgery was not an easy one.

I have lost and gained 100+ lbs many times through out the years and it took me until I was 32 to realize that I cant continue like that. I struggled for a year before I got the ball rolling with my insurance because I felt like getting help was admitting defeat and that meant I am a failure. I failed because I was not good enough to do it on my own so I now have to have a piece of me cut away to make weight loss happen because I don't have the willpower to do it myself. I still struggle with the though of failure and believe I will through these next six months and beyond.

So today I am starting a new life now and it will be a hard one but I believe it will be worth it in the end.


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Obesity is more about why we eat than what we eat. When we are bored,sad,angry,happy,pissed off, grieving,happy, broke,hired, fired,celebrating etc. ..we eat. We run to food pleasure to avoid dealing with the stressors in our lives. In my opinion there are 2 rules for getting food addiction under control. Rule 1-you have to love yourself 100% exactly as you are as an obese person in order to have the strength to follow Rule -2. Whenever you are bored,sad,angry,depressed, grieving.....just be. Be bored,sad,angry etc. don't eat. An amazing thing happens when you just experience your feelings and don't run to food pleasure to alter or enhance your mood. They pass! You dealt with them and then you moved on. When you stop medicating with food it loses it's power over you. Food becomes fuel and no longer a companion and rescuer. The sleeve is a wonderful tool but is does not cure food addiction. You will have to choose not to medicate with food and stick to the 70%protein,25%veg-no potato5% whole grain lifestyle. Congratulations on moving forward. the sleeve will help you with your wt loss goals without crippling hunger pangs. Try not to be so hard on yourself in fact I recommend you start being really nice to you. Forgive yourself for your past fears. Let go. Move on. You can do this. You are completely worth it.
  • melclaws
    melclaws Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck ! I have been through the journey as well. I had my Gastric Sleeve surgery done just one week ago today. I am nothing but pleased with it. It has been a difficult adjustment, however, everything is better each day. I am down 22 lbs from surgery. I wish you luck in your journey, and hope that everything works well for you !
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    You didn't fail because you're not "good enough", you just haven't found a method to maintain weight loss that works yet! I'd lost and regained the same 60 pounds (with interest) multiple times before I figured out I needed to do something different. Like Mangopicke says... Be good to you. Embrace the gift you are about to give yourself, and get ready for a roller coaster ride, because it can be quite the adjustment! This is the most amazing gift I've ever given myself... freedom from being controlled by food.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Admitting you need help isn't failing! It's being smart enough to know you need help and getting it. That takes a lot of courage! We've all been down this road, we all couldn't do it on our own and got help in the form of surgery. You are in very good company!

    Also remember, that the surgery helps you lose, it doesn't cause you to lose past the initial weight loss. There will come a point in the process where it's no longer the surgery causing the weight loss it's you and your diet and exercise. I am in that place now and just had my 3 year check up. I'm not to goal yet, I lose slow and stall often and always have, but you know what, I am still activly losing too! I lost 15 pounds in the last year and I am going to continue to lose until I eventually hit goal. The surgery gave me the tools I need to lose the weight and to keep it off, but it's up to me to use that tool.

    This isn't the easy way out. As you said, you are starting the process, making the changes now. This tool requires a lifestyle change. And for it to be successful long term, it also needs to be a lifelong change. You are smart enough to see you need the help and get it! I applaud you!

    Welcome to our club! I look forward to watching your success!

  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    Congrats for taking the needed steps to succeed in your weight loss journey. I am proud of you for taking this step. The surgery will be a great tool to help you succeed but remember it is only a tool. I am glad I chose this tool and have learned so much over the past year. Without the education going to the dr and learning about this process then having the procedure, I would not have learned what it takes to succeed. Success is yours, you will have good days and bad ones but it is worth the journey. Good luck to you and may God bless your journey, feel free to friend me if you like.