
icemaiden6 Posts: 13 Member
Just joined this group as I do have 100+ lbs to lose (147) . Feel free to add as I need all the motivation I can get as well as celebrating our achievements.


  • Welcome, I am glad that you joined. We are positive and encourage each other. Do you mind me asking you a few questions, and feel free to answer or not, whatever you are comfortable with. 1) What made you decide now to lose the weight? 2) If you tried to lose weight before and did not succeed, what makes this time different for you? 3) What is your strategy for getting healthier? (Going to gym, doing workout videos, walking, biking, etc.) Feel free to let anyone one of us know if there is anything you need, if you are having a bad day and just need someone to listen. We are all human and have good days and bad days, and just because we have a bad day does not mean that we have to stop trying. Thank you, and good luck on your journey.

  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey ice! Nice to meet u! Welcome to the group, ill add u after this! Hope ur doing well today if u need anything msg me :)
    Well done for taking this step by joining the grouo we can do this, we will do this! Quitting is not an option at least for me lol. I refuse too!
  • icemaiden6
    icemaiden6 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you Evie and armywife for the welcome. To answer your questions 1. My clothes were no longer fitting and I refused to go a size up and most importantly I am tired of being the biggest person at any place/group I find myself
    2. Never tried losing weight before cos my culture do not 'celebrate' skinny women. I'm surprised I've stuck with it for 5 months now. Starting weight was 177.4kgs and was 148kgs last Thursday. Thursday will be my weigh in for this week *fingers and toes crossed*
    3. I do YouTube exercises and walk sometimes during my break. I'm also following the 5:2 diet which I've adjusted to suit me :smile:
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome to the group, Icemaiden. It sounds like you're already doing a great job, keep it up!
  • Hi ice!
    First - wow, bravo! You got my admiration for losing that 30 kg! It is a big deal and a great job!
    And that feeling of being tired because you're the biggest person at any place it's so familiar to me.
    Good luck to you, and if you don't mind I would like to add you. :)
  • icemaiden6
    icemaiden6 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you 3athlt and komad and I've accepted your add request. Together we can have successful weight loss journeys.
  • Thank you Ice, I appreciate you answering the questions. It allows us to get to know you a little better. I am so proud of what you have been able to do so far. I am looking forward to start losing weight, I seem to be lagging after losing only 5 pounds. But, I see what everyone else is doing, and so I went for a walk. :) Even took my little one.

    I do have a question, and please forgive me, but I am not familiar with the 5:2 plan, can you explain that to me? Sorry, I hope that you had a great day, and keep it up, your doing great!!

    Armywife924, V.
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey ice! Thats amazing! Go u! Bet that took alot of strength! Well done and good luck for the continuing of ur journey

    Hey v! I think u r doing amazingly! Dont forget u have 2 little ones, and a hubby to look after too, so u have other things to worry about as well as weight and getting fit. I on the other hand dont have little ones just a bf to look after so I have more time to work on me.
  • Thank you Evie, I just wish sometimes that I could see bigger numbers on the scales. You know. I would love to take the kids out on a bike with that trailer to pull them behind. But I need to loose weight for that. LOL. Hope you are having a great day.

    Ice: I hope that you are having a great day, and were able to keep on track today. keep up the good work.

  • icemaiden6
    icemaiden6 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone, spent most of the day doing housework including the dreaded ironing. I hate that passionately. I did a 3 point something miles walk yesterday and spoilt it all by rewarding myself with pizza!!! Can you believe that? I will go for another walk tomorrow and hit the 10,000 steps mark hopefully and weather permitting.

    V the 5:2 is basically having your normal calories for 5 days and the other 2 days you have limited amount of calories. The diet says 500 cal for women and 600 for men on those two days. You can chose whichever days you want to 'fast' on. I've adjusted it as I can't function properly with only 500 cal and I have 1000 cals on any 2 days and my normal 1780cals on 5 days. I don't do any strenuous exercises on those two days and no food is banned provided you stay within your daily caloric allowance which is good for me because I need my Ben & Jerry's scoop. I have partially given up bread. I can eat a loaf of bread at a sitting. Once I have a bite I can't stop so I'm staying away from it for now. Before this plan I tried weight watchers plan and it was expensive, I was hungry all the time and wasn't working for me.

    Thank you Evie, I'm trying to give it my all ????
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey v! Hun, u r going to get to the bike with trailer stage! I know the feeling about bigger numbers. But ive sorta come to appreciate weeks when I lose at all. Cause not all weeks r like that for me. Some weeks I gain. And that sucks so bad. Its often half a pound to a pound but still get real down about it. R u doing measurments too? Most people say measurments speak more than weight?? Cause muscle weighs more than fat. So u might be losing around ut body just not on the scales just yet? I dunno... just an idea.

    Ice, oh well. Its a lifestyle change not so much a diet isnt it? Isnt that what this is all about? Being able to learn to be healthier not just lose the weight then put it all back on again? I think we have all been there before. I know I have. So who cares about one pizza. Its not like u haven't been trying. Ur doing great in my mind!
  • Hey Evie: No, I have not done measurements, I feel like I should. I just am afraid I guess. You are sooo right, the numbers will come! As long as we all stick to it, and do not give up. That is so key for all of us. Hope that you have had a wonderful day.

    Ice: That is great that you were able to have a good workout. Do not be worried about the pizza, because as long as you do not loose focus then it will all be okay. Stick with it, your doing great! Thank you for explaining the 5:2 diet, I understand it now. I guess I could have googled it, sorry, but I thought maybe if you were doing something different then I could get to know you more. Get to understand what is working for you, so I thank you. I hope that you had a great day today and were able to meet your goal of 10,000 steps.
  • allensachers
    allensachers Posts: 20 Member
    Good to have you with us, I also have a lot of weight to take off about 90 more pounds lets do it together.
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey all, about measurmentz, I find they are less scary than weighing in! Esp if u do them in a diff unit to what you know. Then flip the measuring tape over and dont memorize the number before writting it down. Oh, and dont hold the tape in a circle to see how big whatever u just measured it. Thats real scary. But measurments are great for seeing progress. As well as photos in underwear. I just did my first lot. Scary as but no one is ever going to see them except me. Also it can be easier to see progress in photos. So try to do them in same place same time every month is good. Yeah I recommend measurments for all. I need to put mine into mfp soon. Hope that helps! But yeah seeing u lost 5 cms around ur belly in 2months or 1.5 around ur arm or leg is always a nice feeling! Means u can see ur shrinking even if scales arnt showing it. Can be good motivation down the line too. Mine are. :)
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    For me, measurements are more scary. I know that I have a HUGE belly and "moobs", but measuring myself scares the bejeezus out of me. I know that I can "beat the scale", but seeing big numbers on my measurements has me scared stiff!

    I've also been taking some selfies. I probably won't share them with the world until I can notice a difference. Although I've only been on MFP for 2 weeks, I can see the difference in my face (but not anywhere else). It's pretty embarrassing to take the selfies and actually save them to your computer, but having that point of reference is important - especially when you start meeting your "mini-goals". My plan is to take a front and side selfie for every 10 pounds I lose. I believe that selfies are an important step in this process. I think it's good to have a picture as a reminder of how big I was because I NEVER want to get that big again!