Pain - Sides of Feet

I was hoping someone here might have experience with this. I tried switching to a new pair of shoes and got some pretty bad pain on the outer edge of my right foot so I stopped running for a few days, but didn't make the connection that the pain might be caused by my new shoes. The following Saturday I attempted my long run in the new shoes and made it just over 3 miles before the pain in my right foot was so bad I had to stop. When I got home I did an epsom salt soak, ibuprofen, and icing and my right foot felt better almost immediately but then my left foot started hurting WAY worse than my right foot ever did! I could barely walk for two days. My feet had been feeling better the past few days so I attempted a short easy 2 miler in my old shoes this morning and started feeling the soreness in both feet come back so I laid off pretty quickly. RIght now there's not really pain, just soreness, but I'm definitely afraid of making it worse.

Any ideas? Are my feet still recovering from the new shoes and I just need more time, or do I need to be making a trip to my physical therapist? Of course, I just started training for my first marathon and really don't want to be taking time off, so any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Did you get fitted for the new shoes? I would take them back, if the pain came on right after starting with the new shoes and you never had it before it's likely the shoes.
  • nebraskalaska
    nebraskalaska Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah, they were fitted at a local running store, but they had more arch support and more of a heel then I'm used to. I was looking for something with more support for longer runs, but apparently that doesn't work for my feet. Unfortunately, they're past their return date, but I definitely won't be wearing them again.

    Thanks for the advice, I definitely think the shoes are the culprit...I probably just need to be more patient and not run for another week or so, but of course I really don't want to do that!
  • CallMeRuPaul
    CallMeRuPaul Posts: 151 Member
    a buddy of mine had similar pain. he ran a half marathon with me and during mile 8 or 9, his right foot started to hurt. he kept going and finished the race. he took about a month off and the pain persisted. he just went to the doctor and got some x-rays done and it turned out that he had a hairline fracture in the outer edge of his foot. GO TO THE DOCTOR. You'll only be out your time and a co-pay.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Since the pain came back even with the old shoes, I'd try to get an appointment with a doctor to figure out the problem. I've had similar problems with the insides of my feet from wearing too-narrow shoes or too-tight socks, but the pain always go away once I take them off and don't put them on again. Hopefully nothing is wrong, but it's better to have the doctor approved peace of mind!
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I had the same pain recently, after a 10 mile run left me crippled for 2 days. I took a month off (I tried to take less but the pain kept coming back in milder forms) and it seems to be ok now. The research I did suggested it could be a stress fracture, or a number of other things. Doctor is probably your best bet, you need to make sure you have enough time to recover if it is one of the more serious problems.
  • nebraskalaska
    nebraskalaska Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    I did go to my physical therapist and apparently the new shoes caused the cuboids in both of my feet to rotate out of place. Just from two short runs! He said it was the most bizarre, extreme cases of cuboid syndrome he's ever seen. He did some magic and put everything back where it was supposed to be. I'm back to wearing the old shoes and it's been fine since! I even did 13 miles on Saturday with no pain.