August Challenge Sat Aug 9th - Fri 15th



  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    A Terrific Tuesday to ya. All is well here. Keep on Jammin'!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    update Tuesday home work out, 21-15-9 reps of 110lb Deadlift, 20lb Dumbbell curls, 30 deg T rex horiz Rows. 20 min hrm says 236 cal Great way to start the day.
    Great Podcast Carol. Get on it.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    One other piece of news, Our Wheel Chair Athletes are in Philadelphia for the National Wheelchair Games. I am their strength and conditioning trainer. We have 11 guys and gals ready to compete and chompin at the Bit. Go Team Dublin!

    Update to the Update's update
    Also have Nutritional Webinar training today from our (VA) research folks on nutrition for PTSD, Depression, and other chronic illnesses. This is one area where the VA is leading the way in some interesting research.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Tuesday. Travel day. Biz trip to Denver. With my usual no sitting rule in airports. Great way to get in steps. With bonus burn of carrying 25lb computer backpack on back.
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Morning everyone! Not much to report today yet. Tomorrow and Thursday will be tough as they are business travel days with a client lunch in there. Santa Fe, New Mexico here I come!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Finally! Had a good day yesterday... met my personal step goal AND stuck to the Paleo menu plan all day. Yea! So now I'm working on day 2. Will be a bit harder today because we are going to a fund raiser at the local brewery (Beer and Brats) tonight. Will skip the beer and have a brat with no bun, and still be Paleo for the day. :happy:

    Doubt a day or two of eating well with negate the food I ate on Friday and Sunday, but at least I feel better (emotionally and physically)!
  • angelaneale
    angelaneale Posts: 102 Member
    I know I'm not in the running for this challenge as I've only posted once so far. I still wanted to check in though. I just finished Keto Clarity and I just began checking my blood sugar. As of this morning, my fasting blood sugar was 107. That was a surprise as I've been eating NSNG/HCLF (No Sugars No Grains/High Carb Low Fat) for over a week w/the only exceptions (of course) of beer on Saturday. I haven't been tracking my food in MFP very well, but I'll buckle down so I can better track my progress.

    I have taken Rachel Guy's advice and started back at the gym today working on all upper body lifts (pulling and pressing).

    Seems that you are all doing really well! Nice job!
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    Tuesday. After lunch, my room is done. I'll go a walk, walk, walk... Much better than sitting around, watching tv and eating. Just keep moving. Just keep moving. Just keep movng, moving, moving. (Since I can't swim right now).
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    It's still a thread for discussion Angela, so don't feel like you can't join in just because of the lack of perfect attendance.

    I'm doing good today and yesterday but like Stacy I don't think it will make up for my weekend. I can't wait to get to goal so I can have my fun weekend and then just work to maintain the other 5 days. LOL
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    One other piece of news, Our Wheel Chair Athletes are in Philadelphia for the National Wheelchair Games. I am their strength and conditioning trainer. We have 11 guys and gals ready to compete and chompin at the Bit. Go Team Dublin!

    Update to the Update's update
    Also have Nutritional Webinar training today from our (VA) research folks on nutrition for PTSD, Depression, and other chronic illnesses. This is one area where the VA is leading the way in some interesting research.

    WOW! This is amazing stuff. I wouldn't have thought the VA was so advanced. And KUDOS to you for all you're doing for these guys and the Wheel Chair Athletes!! Super inspiring. GO TEAM DUBLIN!!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Thank you so much Heron! I know it isn't realistic to think that I will look like Rachel. But yeah, it is a way healthier goal than the super model-stick thin look that some are trying to achieve. If nothing else, it reminded me that more muscle mass will allow me to eat more. LOL! Thanks again.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Angela: I started checking my blood sugar after reading Keto Clarity also. I'm at the high end of the 'normal' range fasting as well. I knew that from when I used to test often.
    Not sure why I'm guessing what my macros should be if I have a glucometer and I can very well see what makes my blood sugar rise. Duh. Need to talk to Jef about this.

    Speaking of Jef Fry… I have been a bit lazy on his protocol. I did that diet-deload week and when I "got back to it" I wasn't as strict with myself as before. Stress and other excuses just had me ending my days way over calories and way over protein. I know he is looking at my log going "what??" but the biggest thing he told me was to focus on sleep. I have not been getting even 7 hours in the last two weeks. When I told him that, he said all this hacking would be for nothing if I don't get enough sleep. "It's boring, but you need to dial that in before you will see much progress."

    Hmmm… I know this. Why do I stay up so late???
  • Staaz
    Staaz Posts: 15 Member
    I attempted my squat and deadlift day today, but I was having some minor lower back pain. So I think Im starting my deload week today. Instead of squats and deadlifts, I broke out the bow and started getting ready for this upcoming hunting season. Keep it up everyone.
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    Got some sunshine today. I'm gonna blink and it will be winter. Better enjoy.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    easmythcrna, how come you can't swim? Just curious

    Staaz, bust out those foam rollers. Lower back pain SUCKS. I had a minor lower back pain earlier this and I bend down to pick up a piece of paper and I was out of commission for 3 weeks. The podcast that Carol just did with Rachel Guy talked about back injuries.

    Carol, you are welcome :wink: Hugz

    I am doing good. Got my 3 miles jog/run and Muay Thai today. Small class today so the instructor got to work with me one on one a lot. I feel a lot better about my kicks now. My eating is still going well. Hope to see another this week.
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Well I tried this earlier and my internet connection flopped. so here I am for Tuesday. Night all.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well a wonderful Wednesday folks.. A great day yesterday. I love it when you sit in on a webinar from The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, With the Subject being Nutritional Psychology: the Interplay between Nutrition, Mood, Brain, and Behavior. At the end of the training go to the ref list and see that you've already read about 40% of the research cited in her presentation. Makes ya feel like you're on the right track:).
    Interesting reading about similar Blood Glucose results for some of you. I have a Friday Tradition of eating two packs of little Debbie Donuts sticks before my Friday Karaoke Show, and then treating myself on the way home to a hardees Monster Burger Combo (go Large) Onion Rings and large Lemonade. It generally takes til Thursday before my waking glucose is below 100. but normally by Tues it goes in the 90's post exercise and stays there (checking 3hrs post meals) Not sure why it pops up since my last meal is generally done at 8pm and last night for instance it was 84 when I went to bed. 107 this morning. Could be a product of my age (60 in Nov) and the metabolic De-conditioning I had done in my 50's. I'm gathering more data and plan to do a wellness FX blood panel sometime soon.
    Carol: Thanks for the shout out for the Guys. Interestingly I had a discussion with my Sup yesterday, and with the growth of our program, I am writing proposal to provide Open Training time for adaptive athletes, (including outpatients) twice per week. Up til now I only train when I get a consult referral (even with this we have been growing 30% year over year) so we expect this to really grow the program at an even faster rate. What this means for me is in the future I will probably get to attend the games as a coach since the funding to send staff is dependent on how many veterans we send. We B jammin'!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    If you are a bit weary on Wednesdays, (or even if not) Check out this video. and Remember - How thou pleaseth God dispose the day...
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    And I missed yesterday. ... oh well morning all, it's Wednesday. ..
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Kilosierra: Welcome to the "I'm not winning but I love al the checking in anyway" club! I have missed at least 2 days. Let's me and you see if we can keep it under 3 misses, K?? (Runner ups!)

    Staaz: de-load sounds about right. Watch that back man. Heron is right, Rachel talked about back injuries in episode 101 of F2F and she kinda scared me. But great news was we can all train even with back injuries.

    Gooddaytoyou: Sunshine is the bomb! It is the dead of winter in Sydney, I was reminded as we did this webinar. We need to enjoy our warmth while we can!!

    Hmrjmr1: Can you post a website for us to follow the adaptive athletes? The ones you work with would be fantastic. Or just a general info site? I am so inspired by it all! Hope it does grow and you get to travel with them and have your efforts reach out even more!!

    So for me today: It is 6am and I just finished up my first training webinar with Rachel Guy (athletic fox) out of Syndey (it is 9pm there). People will get sick of me gushing about how much I love this online training but I DO. She asked for videos of us doing squats and then she critiqued them in the webinar and so much extra information about how to strengthen my glutes, hips and ankles to even be able to go lower like I need to. the Q & A was awesome, same attention as if I was in the gym with a trainer but this chick really knows her stuff. She used to be a physical therapist, so all of her advice sounded so sound about ligaments, tendons, form… just a great "session with my trainer."
    Again, I know I'm going on and on about it but I'm paying for the services. She didn't pay me anything to promote her. I just think folks should realize that with technology today, we don't have to settle for the person at the gym. That guy/gal might be great but we can actually get trained by some of the world's best trainers and it isn't that expensive.

    HAVE A FAN-TAB-ULOUS day guys!! I have a day full of craziness ahead of me but I am so glad I took a few minutes to catch up with the last few posts here. You guys are getting me off to a great start!!