Getting Fit for School

jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
Hi guys, I'm Jessi and I am addicted to MFP. I hope it is not sad or pathetic of me, but the biggest reason I am so motivated to eat right and workout is so that I look good for getting back to school. I am going to be a junior, so I want to make a good impression on the few guys that are still going to be older than me. It also doesn't help that my school has a poor guy-to-girl ratio. Just wondering if anyone else out there is more motivated because it is back to school time. Maybe once school starts again, we can keep each other motivated, because I know once I head back, it will be more socializing, less working out.


  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    My school has a joke about the girl to guy ratio (it's 60-40) so I understand that completely.
    I yo-yo dieted for a while and never kept weight off but when I saw school approaching for my sophomore year I really started focusing on weight loss.
  • mehhhlife
    mehhhlife Posts: 15 Member
    Wanting to look good is great motivation! That's part of mine at least. Over the years I've lost and then gained weight back but now I have a goal of getting down to 130 by the time I graduate in May (oh god that is terrifying to think about). This time I'm going to achieve it. Already lost 15 pounds since the beginning of summer!
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    I move into my apartment next Monday! Classes start the Monday after that. So glad I have a week, to find a routine and tweak it until I get it right. Is anyone joining a gym? Or just using on-campus free fitness/rec centers? Since I am moving off campus, going back to campus to workout doesn't sound appealing. It gets so crowded. Does anyone run? That seems like the cheapest, easiest thing to do but I have yet to learn to enjoy running. I might look into starting the C25K program to help. If anyone would like to join me on that journey, the more the merrier!