anyone celebrate their pets birthdays?

mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
My pup Jax will be 1 year in a week!
I'm thinking about being one of those people who throws their dog a party. Probably insane, but I celebrate my sons birthday so...
I'm thinkin a simple trip to the dog park (where most of his pals go anyway) with a cake and a few goodie bags (treats, ball, etc...) for invited guests and the first few strangers who show up.

Cake ( in honor of MFP will be packed with lean meats and hidden (safe) veggies!

1/2 c brown rice
1/2 c frozen peas, thawed
1 med shredded potato (NO GREEN PARTS, POISONOUS)
2 med carrots, shredded
1 celery stalk, roughly chopped
2lbs chicken
3 eggs
1 1/2 TBS olive oil
1/2 c rolled oats

So what's the word, does this make me publicly insane?
Anyone else do this?


  • tlog73
    tlog73 Posts: 34 Member
    :smile: We do too, although not quite as big. Ki usually gets her own ice cream cone and then a walk somewhere different. She's 12 and still going...maybe a little slower but still wanting her 3 walks a day!
  • Betti2
    Betti2 Posts: 30 Member
    Yep We have a DOGGY DAY OUT for his birthday, The day is totally devoted to my fur child. He gets dressed up, the bow tie comes out.

    We go to all the places he loves (he loves visiting all the local pet shops & strutting his stuff, getting lots of pats & attention, then usually the beach & I buy him toys & his fav treats (he picks them).

    We then have a little celebration at home with his best fur friend Fry (a little foxy) finish of with a walk together & a play.
  • Ozzyzmommy
    Ozzyzmommy Posts: 142 Member
    My son Ozzy who is a Chiweenie and will turn 11 on Nov 7th.. He has had a birthday party every year, his first party was a football theme.. him and his 4 legged guests had a Papa Murphys pizza, which was veggies, cheese, and hamburger.. of course they got gift bags etc.. Adults had there pizza etc.. Cake was sugar-free cake mix and icing was canned dog food..
    Since then he has had themes of The Cars movie, Doggies, etc... Or we have had restaurant partys, Yes Dog friendly ones, Camping weekends with his 4 legged friends and there Mommys and Daddys :)
    One of the biggest was his last one # 10 .. We went to a local park with over 60 adults 10+ kids, 9 4-leg friends...
    I was a Gunsmoke party.. Ozzy had a black felt cowboy hat Marshals badge vest bandanna etc .. Kids were dressed in hats guns holsters the whole gear...BBQ'ed 5 Tri-Tips 13 Chicken Breasts, Hamburgers etc,, 2 cakes a doggie cake and a 2 legged funny part was the people who would stop to ask who the birthday person was so when told .. the looks on there faces was priceless :)
    It cost me alot of money but this is my baby, and anything to make him happy and to have fun I would give anything.. This year is going to be a quiet year, as I just had a scare with him and an allergic reaction which set off his inflammation in his shoulders and hind legs :'( So his Grandma (My Mom) will be coming in from out of state and will be giving him a slumber party with only 5 of his 4L friends... Sorry if I talk to much :) But when it comes to my son I love to share the things we do and what I do for him, because he means the world to me ..
    And Happy Birthday to your little baby... Jax is lucky to have a Mom who will do something so special for him :)
    I would like to hear how you celebrated his big #1...
  • mercina22
    mercina22 Posts: 446 Member
    We had a puppy shower for our "son" Mugsy (puggle) when we first got him at 8 weeks( BBQ in the back yard with friends and their furry kids). We did have a birthday party for him for his first birthday and had a large doggie cookie with happy birthday on it( again BBQ in the back yard with friends). His last birthday we kept it low key and he just had his birthday cookie and we sang to him. He got extra attention all day(like that is possible).
  • HoneyFrogger
    HoneyFrogger Posts: 59 Member
    For my Baby Girl ;) Rocco a Jack I just get her loads extra treats and meats :)